Zayn: Episode 6

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Zayn/S1/Episode: 6

After Ashley took me to an abandoned warehouse by the sea, Mr. Malik and Liam rescued me.

"Don't you think your joke's gone too far, Ashley?" Mr. Malik glares at her.

"I-I'm sorry... I was doing it for you, Zayn..."

"Ashley, the best thing about you is your honesty. Don't lie."

"I had no choice! I was jealous of Natalie because you love her so much. So I thought I'd show her by making her smell like a skunk!"

"A skunk?! I thought you were going to shoot me," my eyes widen.

"They're holding onto tiny bottles," Mr. Malik explains. "I'd bet it has skunk scent inside of it."

"It was my ultimate secret weapon!" Ashley gasps.

I'm glad it's not a gun, but I'm even happier they came to save me.

I start to tremble when I imagine having skunk scent poured all over me.

"...Tch. I'm glad I'm not the one you fell for," Liam scratches the back of his neck.

"Liam..." Ashley pouts.

"If you really loved him, you wouldn't do anything to upset him," Liam crosses his arms against his chest glaring at her.

"If I really loved him...? I can't believe I'm being lectured about love... But that must mean you're genuinely concerned about me."

Ashley gazes at Liam with a totally charmed look in her eyes.

Don't tell me...

"I've found true love..." She smiles battling her eyelashes.

"Huh?" Liam's eyes widen in shock.

"Natalie, you can have Zayn. Because now I have Liam!" She squeals excitedly.

"What?!" Liam's face turns pale.

"Heheh... Just as I planned..." Mr. Malik snickers with a grin.

"Zayn, you...!" Liam clenches his jaw as he glares at Mr. Malik who's smirking.

"I guess she prefers cool guys like you," Mr. Malik laughs.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Liam turns around starting to walk away.

"Waaah! Wait, Liam! Now I understand why Fang likes you so much!" Ashley giggles.

"...Irwin, it's me. Bring the car around!" Liam runs out of the warehouse, Ashley following close behind.

"Wait, Miss Benson!" Her two henchmen chase after them and now Mr. Malik and I are alone.

"Um, thanks for coming to save me...," I tell him.

"I don't like it when people touch things that belong to me without permission," he says sternly.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I paged you about something regarding tomorrow, and you never answered. I thought something was strange, so I checked the GPS."

"There's a GPS on the pager?" I gasp.

"I need to know where my things are at all times," he shrugs. "...It looks like you kept up the act as my girlfriend in front of her."

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