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a twenty-two year old was sitting in a dimly lit room with several monitors gleaming in his face. he had something between a five o'clock shadow and a full on beard. there were several empty cans of monster scattered everywhere as well as two half full cans on the desk on either side of him. he had lost count of how many days he's been in front of the monitor.

'two years since the disappearance of troye mellet'

'another candle light vigil for one of perth's own troye mellet'

"it's been two years jacob, when are you going to stop... he's dead."

he slams his hands on the desk causing the two cans of monster to fall and spill on the floor, joining the other three. "he's not dead!" he says before looking over at their last picture together.

"he's not dead..."

troye mellet and jacob bixenman were one of those cheesy couple you'd see in a movie. jacob was the adult that had everything put together from the beginning. he knew who he was, he knew what he wanted... he was everything you wanted to be. troye mellet wasn't, he was scattered and always jumped from project to project. although he was smart, he was the polar opposite of jacob. he wasn't centered, jacob centered him... they balanced each other out.

which is exactly why he was going crazy.

it seemed weird, how could someone like troye get taken? he was scattered yeah but, he knew when things were fishy. he could tell right off the bat when something wasn't remotely okay and nine times out of ten he was right.

"it's been two years," she said again. "there are no leads, no evidence... nothing. they would've found something by now." she walks into the room and stands behind jacob. "i'm worried about your health... when is the last time you showered?"

jacob sighed and let his head fall. "i'll shower when i find him."

"you really think he's going to hug you when you smell like shit?"

jacob slapped a can off of his desk and turned directly into hari's face. "you don't know what it's like," he yells. "you don't know what it's like looking at newspapers and tv screens seeing your fucking boyfriend everywhere except in your arms. i can't sleep in that bed, i can't take off this hoodie... if i do i'll loose him. i can't fucking lose him hari, i can't!"

he walks around hari and stands by his messy unmade bed with two body imprints. "so yeah maybe i am fucking crazy. until the day comes where your boyfriend is everywhere with a missing sign above his head... do not tell me what i should and shouldn't be doing."

hari looks at him with pure shock in her eyes before regaining he composure. "you think i don't miss him? you think you're the only one that can't go in a certain room or listen to certain music or... do certain thing? god, you must have really lost your mind if you think you're the only one. i miss him too jacob! yes he was your boyfriend but he was my best friend."

jacob scoffed and walked back to his desk. he grabbed a random can of monster and looked hari directly in the eye before sitting back down and facing the screens. "you know where the door is."

hari scoffed. "you know damn well i'm right bixenman," she was about to storm off before she realized being harsh isn't going to help anyone.

"i miss him too you know." she says before leaving.


a/n: another new story don't know if i'm going to keep it, let's see how it goes. 

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