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instead of sitting in front of a computer screen he had been sitting by his phone. it had been two weeks since jacob had spoken with detective snow and he considered that to be a good thing.

hari was glad to see jacob cleaned up and no longer wearing the hoodie he'd been wearing for for several months. he was still wearing troye's clothes but he showered and slept on his side of the bed, so it was a start. it was about three in the afternoon and jacob was lying on the couch with his phone on his chest and his eyes glued to the ceiling. hari was out with some friends and she tried to convince him to join but just like any other time jacob got upset and hari left with a pissed expression on her face.

after a half an hour the phone rang. jacob grabbed his phone and looked at the number, it was the station. he slowed down his breathing and cleared his throat to calm himself before answering.


"hey bix," detective snow says on the other line. "i had a guy of mine go and check out the area where your boys phone might be and it wasn't there." there wasn't an ounce of sympathy in her voice.

"c-can't you track it?"

"already tried," she says. "nothing came up. listen... i talked to a few of the guys here and they say this isn't the first time you've called on a dead lead. i can give you the name of a therapist if you wan-."

"no," jacob yelled. "i don't need a fucking therapist what i need is people like you to do your fucking job. troye was the only thing that gave this city it's name, they call him the golden boy. your people should be scouring the city for him! track the phone again."

snow scoffed. "i don't need to tell me how to do my job. i've done everything i possibly can on a case that's two years old."

"bullshit," jacob said. "if you won't do anything i will." he then hung up before snow had anything to say.

he threw his phone down and walked back and forth, running his hand through his hair trying to calm down. after awhile he stopped turn towards a pillow and threw it at a lamp.

"fuck." he said as he threw the pillow.

the lamp hot the ground and shattered into several pieces just as hari and one other friend walked through the door. hari looked down at the lamp and then her friend.

"raincheck?" she says.

her friends turns on her heels and walks to her car in a huff before driving back down the street. hari closes the door and then walks into the living room.

"you gonna buy me a new lamp since you wanna play pillow fight with that one."

jacob rolls his eyes. "i don't wanna here it hari." he starts to head back to his room."

"well you're gonna hear it," she says which causes jacob to stop. "i really thought you were getting better jacob."

"someone has to care," jacob yelled. "clearly you've stopped caring if you can go out with your friends and party when your best friend is god knows where going through hell."

"is that what you think," hari says. "you think i don't care about him, because i do... i care so much. not a second goes by where i don't think about him, wondering if he's dead or barely hanging on to life. yes ,i hang out with my friends because if i was stuck here, alone with nothing but troye's laugh echoing through my ears i'd go crazy."

she walks towards jacob and puts a hand on his shoulder. "i miss him too jacob and of course i'd do anything to get him back," she tilts his chin up with her hand. "but it's been two years we gotta let him go."

jacob sniffs. "i just miss him so much hari, so fucking much." he says before hugging his best friend.

hari sighs as she rubs his back soothingly. "i miss him too babes," they pull apart. "want me to put on some of his songs?"

jacob nods his head. "yes please."

hari goes into the other room to grab a few records. while she was in there jacob's phone rang again. he didn't even bother to look at the caller id.

"snow i don't wanna-."

"if you want help finding troye meet me at the last place he was."

and then the line went dead.


a/n: i was thinking that one of you guys should be in the story, you'd either be the person on the phone at the end or someone else. if you want to just leave what you'd want your character to be like. 

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