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today he was in a chair, his hands and feet were obviously tied tightly together. he didn't know why he did it it's not like he's going to escape anytime soon. everyone thinks his dead so who would he return to?

his head was hanging and blood was dripping from his lip. this was another thing they would do to troye, they would beat him up. before it was punishment for running away but now it was just for fun. they loved seeing the porcelain boy bleed, it was like crack. each time they saw blood drip they wanted to see it again.

and again.

and again.

he was surprised to still be awake, there were times when it would get too much and he would pass out, to then wake up back in his cell with a little plate of food that was just enough to keep him alive. but today, while he was getting his "casual" beating the people doing it got called out. either the walls are thin or they tell really kids because retire could hear everything they were saying.

"...did it occur to you that he could've had his phone?" the girl yelled.

troye assumed the other two shook their heads because the girl did an obnoxiously loud sigh.

"and because of your stupidity we've got detective snow on our case."

"how did she even get the message?" one said.

you could here the girls boots click slowly as she walked towards them. "how do you fuckers thinks. the fags boyfriend had the message on his phone."

troye looked up. they were talking about jacob. does this mean that even after two years he was still looking for him? the it occurred to him how long it's been, troye knows when jacob gets his eyes set on one thing. he tends not to care about his health.

the door opens again before quickly slamming shut. the girl walks back in and you can tell she's heated

"seems like someone is pissed." troye said his eyes remaining down but you can hear the sass in his voice.

the girl slaps troye hard across the face. little drops of blood fly from his lips as he begins to cough. he looks up a little and laughs.

this time she punches his sending the chair back. it hits the floor with a bang, now troye was coughing even harder. the girl was smiling now, punching troye as if he was a pinata and his blood was the candy. time had passed before the girl realized that troye passed out.

once she was done she opened the door and someone comes in and picks him up without saying a word. he was used to doing this by now that it didn't even phase him. the guy took troye back to his cell and three him in. the girl came up behind, placed a tray of food on the floor and locked the cell.

even thot the australian was passed out on the floor, his blood dripping down and making new stains next to his old ones, jacob's smile ran through his head.

it might not be today, it might not be this week and it might not be this month but one day he would come home.

even if he had to endure beating after beating.


a/n: what are some good fanfic that you're reading right now? look for some new things to read, feel free to leave yours too if you write any. bye bye

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