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the first few months he was in chains, they lefts cuts and bruises on his wrist. then it was handcuffs and being thrown in a cell, now it was rope. he was wearing the same clothes that he was abducted in except they were ripped and dirty. there were cuts all over his body, his hair was a mixture of blond and his natural brown growing back in. he was skinny, but this was unhealthy skinny. he was feed just enough to keep him alive but not enough for him to have his normal body strength.

that's exactly how they wanted him. 

during the first few months troye tried several times to escape. each time he was caught, brought right back here and beaten. it was their way of making sure he knew not to escape... it took him about three weeks to stop fighting. it took three months before he realized that no one was coming for him, this is where he is going to die. 

there clicks of someones boot echoing through the halls. they continued before stopping in front of troye's cell. they stood there a smirk on their face before pushing a newspaper through the cells bars. troye didn't even react, he kept his head down looking at the bloodstained rope.

"two years and they still haven't lost hope," the women said. "it's a shame you have."

troye looked over at the paper, he could see the picture of himself from here. it was a picture of him and his boyfriend with a fan. part of his mouth quirked up in a sad smile as he looked at all of their smiling faces.  he can't help but wonder what jacob is doing right now. does he even think of him anymore... probably has a boyfriend by now. 

jacob was the one who gave him hope those first three months he'd been here. he thought that jacob was going to be the one to find him and bring him home. then month four came and troye got thrown a newspaper saying that the police marked him dead that he gave up. 

"you got what you wanted didn't you," troye said looking through his eyelashes. "they think i'm dead, you won."

the women pout sarcastically. "aw you think that's why you're here... so they can think you're dead," she walks into the very dim light, she'd be very attractive if she wasn't a kidnapper. "that's cute sivan... you're here for so much more." 

troye manages to push himself up from the cold floor and limps over and grips the bars loosely. "then what am i here for, huh? it could be so easy to kill me if everyone thinks i'm dead. what do you want? money? a new car for fucks sake?"

"telling you would ruin all the fun" she then leans closer to the bars. "and wheres the fun in that hun."

"you always say that." troye says. 

the women shrugs before turning on her heels and walking back down the empty hall. troye looks back at the newspaper, the date was crossed off.

"hey," he yelled down the hall. "at least tell me what day it is."

the women stopped in her tacks and smirked over her shoulder. "may 25th." she said before leaving. 

troye started stumbling back until his back hit the wall. he slide down and looked down at his hands, he moved almost like a robot as he sat back down in the same position he started in. they'd always do this, it's their way of breaking him further. they did it for his birthday, their anniversary and now for jacob.

today was jacob's birthday.


he was lying on the floor with empty bottles of alcohol surrounding him. he still refused to sleep in their bed and change out of troye's hoodie. jacob was drunk and lying on the floor seemed to be the only thing that stopped the room from turning on a spit. this is how he spent his birthday for the last two years. get drunk off his ass and maybe high the next day, it depended on how broken jacob felt on whether or not he did it.

"jacob..." hari said standing in the door. "you can't keep doing this to yourself."

"i can," jacob said before burping. "and i will."

hari sighs and walks over and sits besides jacob's head. "just come out with me, just once," she says. "i won't bother you again. i'll let you wallow in your sadness."

"no you won't," jacob says. "you'll come right back and try to get me out of this. besides... i won't know how to face them."

"them?" hari says. "are you talking about troye's fans."

jacob, with the help of hari, sits up and leans against the bed. "if i... if i leave this house they'll come up to me and say they're sorry or they miss him too or that they understand. they have no idea what it's like for everyone to think the love of their life is dead."

"but they do know loss," hari says. "everyone does."

jacob scoffs. "yeah but their loss isn't thrown in their face everyday, mine is. and what am i supposed to do to make them happy."

"be there for them, they are trying to be there for you but you won't let them," hair reaches over and grabs jacob's phone. "when was the last time you looked at this." 

the taller man shrugs. "dunno."

hari hands it to him. "look at all of the messages you're getting," she says. "and if this doesn't convince you to start caring about your health i don't know what will." she kisses his forehead before leaving the room. 

jacob looked at the door before looking back down at his phone. he pressed the home button, his lock screen was a picture of troye but you could barely tell with all of the notifications on his phone. he stood up and stumbled over to his desk, he grabbed a monster and started looking at all of the messages and tweets from friends and family.

it was going to be a long night 


a/n: i hope you guys are liking this to far. 

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