Unconsciously Awake

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Anna (POV)

I can't believe I slapped him.  Turning around I took one last look at him as he was bent over from my earlier kick.  He was screaming my name but I dared not to stop.

Then screams were sounded as I had seen a red pick up truck heading straight for me.

Making eye contact with the driver, the car didn't stop.  And the last thing on my mind was of Aidan and the baby that I now carry before I was hurled off the road with an excruciating pain. 

You know when you are walking down a flight of stairs, you missed one step and you come stumbling down.  Well this is so much worse.

"Anna! Fuck Anna!"  A voice that had brought me peace once rang through out the commotion.  What's with all the noise and light.

My head now throbbing as my eyes refuses to open up.  I couldn't feel anything and the noises were becoming nothing but a wind in the air.  My breathing had labored as I whizzed through the cold breezes.  Why was it cold?  Earlier the sun had warmed my skin, now the heat didn't affect me much not like the wind that only prickled my skin.

I hadn't notice that my body grew slack and my resolve to stay awake diminished.  Am I dying.  Maybe it's for the best.

Though I wasn't able to move, my body had hurt in many places I have never imagine.

Seconds, minutes, maybe hours I don't know how long but this place smelt like rubber and had sanitizer. 

It was cold, I was cold and there was nothing.  Where's Aidan.  Had he give up?  My baby?  Trying to recall the past half hour was impossible.  The only think I had seen were eyes that bore into mine.

I have seen those eyes first.  It was smug and angry.

Then nothing.


The sound of beeping machine kept me at peace. 

And voices where mumbled, who are they.  God?

As I tried to focus the voices were becoming clear.

"Are you sure about this doctor?"  A female voice panic.

"We have no other choice?"  Whose that.  Aidan?  No, his voice sounded a bit higher than normal.

Come on Anna, why can't I move.  My body felt heavy and my eyes refuse to listen to me.  Was my brain asleep.

Again I found myself drifting off to sleep.

Waking up once again to the sound of beeping those same voices had entered my room.  It was more than the first time I was awake, well sort of.

Finally I had felt my eyes twitch. "Doctor she's waking up."  The same female voice spoke.

Soon my eyes had fluttered open and the light had made me squint. 

Everything was so bright as my eyes roamed the room.  I was met with a female nurse holding a clip board and a doctor who wore a mask.

My breathing had hitch as I was now suddenly afraid.  The machine had beep faster.  Those eyes, those eyes that plagued my mind even in my sleep. 

Those eyes that had followed me.  "Anna."  The man spoke.  I watch him hold up a needle in his hand.

At that moment, I wanted to scream, to shout but my voice seemed frozen.  Where the hell am I?  Where's Aidan?  Am I truly alone.  Has he forgotten about me.  Maybe he was with that blond finishing off where they left of.

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