Chapter One

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'The incubus or "that which lies upon" is a masculine, shapeshifting demon that takes the form of an attractive man to engage sexually with a female victim. The succubus or "that which lies beneath," serves as the feminine counterpart, preying upon male victims in the guise of a beautiful woman.' - Robert Lamb

Chapter One

I found myself staring at a drab, grey building. On all sides of me, students walked past in groups or individually, some chatting as they made their way to their first class. I stared at the building, unable to remove my eyes. My heart was sinking. God damn. I missed Los Angeles. Sunny L.A where every day was a party on the beach. The friends were great, the football games were to die for. But here? I was just the new kid. People glanced at me as they passed. They had never seen me before. Me with my different race, my black curly hair and my chocolate brown eyes. I was a new face, a new face looking at the building as if I was going to end my life and believe me I was considering it. Michigan? Compared to L.A? Kill me. Just run me over.

"Are you okay?" I felt someone brush my back and turned to face them. She was quite pretty. She had a pink polka dot umbrella to shield herself from the heavy downpour. Her soft brown hair was in a gentle wave to her shoulders and her eyes were hazel. She smiled kindly.

"I'm fine. New."

"I gathered," She smiled wider and stuck out her hand. "I'm Emily. Emily Baker."

"I'm Kylo Alexander." I shook her head.

"Kylo? That's... Different." I rolled my eyes.

"My father picked it." The bell rang at that moment and I cast my eyes down to my map and my timetable. I was trying to squint through the rain to see where I needed to be.

"Can I help you find your way? Where do you need to be?"

"12C. English."

"Oh cool, that's my class too. I'll take you there." Emily stuck out her umbrella to envelop me too. She was bubbly, asking questions like where had I come from, what my old school was like. The high school campus was laid out basic with buildings labelled with plaques of Alphabet letters. Emily headed straight to C. We climbed up a flight of stairs and into the classroom.

The classroom already had students inside. They were already sat at their desks. The teacher had his back turned so Emily beckoned me to follow her. I did so, gladly and took the seat at the desk next to hers. It was right at the back so I was obscured from peering eyes. I tried as quietly as possible to remove a notebook and pen without being noticed.

The class today was about a book they had been reading. It was the beginning of October so I was only a month behind in the new term. I would catch up.

After class, the students packed up and left.

"Where next?" Emily asked me as she packed her bag. I jammed my notebook and pen into my backpack.

"10D for Calculus."

"I'll show you the way," Emily promised.

"I'll be right back," I told her. I quickly made my way to the front of the class and went to the teacher. He was a middle-aged man, a bald head with a knitted vest top over a white shirt. He raised an eyebrow at me.


"My name is Kylo Alexander. I'm new."

"Ah yes, I heard about the new arrival. Here's a booklist for the year, I expect you to catch up to reading the first book, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. Oh and I'm Mr Rodgers. Welcome to English." I smiled at him and went back to Emily.

"He's decent. Most of the teachers are around here. Who's your teacher this time?" She asked as we left the building and went to the next one.

"Mr Jenkins."

"Ah, not so lucky. He's a bit of a... Dick," Emily paused outside of building block E. "Your class is in that building over there. It's on the bottom floor. Good luck! Maybe see you in the cafeteria?" I waved bye and went to my required class. I felt somewhat relieved to know Emily. She was kind, a bit of a plain Jane and not my usual type but sweet enough to stop and help a random guy on his first day. God, if only she knew the old L.A me.

I went to my class. The students were sat down but still talking. Mr Jenkins was not there yet so I scouted out the class and found a few empty desks. A couple near the front, one by the window in the middle row. I went to the one by the window. A guy was sat next to it. He was white skinned, unlike me with my milk chocolate coloured skin. His hair was curly and blonde and he was wearing a varsity jacket, green and silver.

"Hey is that seat taken?"

"No." I took the seat next to him and took out my notebook and pen. The guy next to me didn't bother, he sat rocking back in his chair with his arms folded. He was watching me closely.

"You play football?"


"What position?"

"I do running back or wide receiver. I prefer either." The guy raised an eyebrow.

"Wow. You're new here right?"


"What's your name?"

"Kylo Alexander. I've moved over from L.A." The guy laughed.

"Oh, you poor sod. Parents?"

"Nope. They divorced. Moved me here by myself." The guy stopped laughing and looked wide-eyed at me.

"Jesus Christ. That's wacked! So you have a house to yourself, you play football AND you're new blood. It's like God sent you here himself."

"Not quite." Mr Jenkins entered the classroom and shouted for quiet. There was some stifled laughter from the students around the class as Mr Jenkins took his position in front of the classroom and started the lecture. The other guy leaned close to me, pretending to look out the window.

"My name's Randy Baker. I'm the Quarterback."

"Baker?" I glanced at him, surprised. "You related to Emily Baker?" Randy rolled his eyes.

"So you've met my cousin. Yep, we're related. She's a bit of a nerd but a nice girl I guess."

"RANDY BAKER SHUT UP NOW." Mr Jenkins shouted. I jumped a bit and turned my attention to the class. Everyone had spun round to face us. Randy wasn't even embarrassed. He shrugged and kicked his feet up on the desk.

"Just telling my new team player the deal." Everyone was now staring at ME. I looked at the ceiling, wishing I could disappear. I didn't want to deal with this on my first day.

"And your name is?" Mr Jenkins was talking to me now. He was middle-aged too with black hair going grey and a face full of lines plus black piercing eyes.

"Kylo. K-Y-L-O."

"Kylo what?"

"Kylo Alexander."

"Well Mr Alexander, my classes require everyone's full and undivided attention. As new as you may be, my rules are simple. Eyes forward, ears open, mouth SHUT. FEET OFF THE TABLE, BAKER." Randy removed his feet.

"Whatever." He muttered. Mr Jenkins turned to me again.

 "The rules are simple, abide by them or suffer in detention. Which I love to hand out to anyone who disrespects me or my rules. Such as Mr Baker who will get a week worth if he put his feet up AGAIN," Mr Jenkins turned to write a sum on the whiteboard then turned back. "Write this down, figure it out and welcome to Michigan Mr Alexander."

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