Chapter Eight

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I didn't know what to do. Maybe once I could overlook. Twice was pushing the limit. Analisse had disappeared once again before I had awoken in the late morning. I didn't know what to do about it. Every time I was away from her, it seemed as if my head was starting to clear up and I could focus. Then I would see her again and she would fuck me about. She made me feel like she was the centre of my universe, like I couldn't live without her. And every time I asked her WHY she was doing this to me, her answer was simple.

"You won't break, baby. You keep trying so hard to forget me. You're different." And she would smile and continue to break me. I didn't know why I was different. I didn't want to be different. I just wanted to be... Me. And never would I have believed the tables would be turned. I was a player. I was the one who loved and left those girls. They never did it to me. But Analisse... It was like she was trying to hurt me. And it was working. I didn't know what to do.

In times of worry or distress, there was one person I would always turn to. She had been there more for me than any other person. She was my sister so we still fell out but she had good advice and didn't judge me.


"Yeah, it's me, Re."

"Oh thank God. Kylo, I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it."

"No, you did. It was the truth. But Re. I'm in trouble."

"Oh my God, Ky what have you done?"

"Whoa! I haven't done anything!"

"Tell me what's happened."

"Well give me a chance."

"Alright, I'm listening."

"There's this girl. She's super nice. Not my normal type would you believe it... But I really like her. We've kissed, we've been on a date, she's in some of my classes. She's really nice."

"You like her? As in LIKE her or... live her as in maybe love her?"

"The second one," Rebecca gasped but I ignored it and carried on. "Thing is... There's this other girl. She... She's different. And every time I'm with her... I just... I don't know. She makes me feel more than love. Adoration maybe. I don't know."

"Are you dating both girls? This second one... Have you taken her out too?"

"No. Not exactly."

"Not exactly... Are you fucking her?" God damn Rebecca for jumping to the right conclusion.

"Yeah. A few times. And I think she has plans to keep it going."

"Right... Okay. So first girl you really like. You've taken her out and going slowly with her. But the second girl you adore and have skipped taking her out altogether but fucking her instead?"

"Pretty much."

"Okay. What's the question here?"

"What do I do?"

"Dump the second girl. You sound like the first girl really likes you. And you really like her I think. But the second girl is just going to drag you back to where you were. And you don't need that Kylo."

"What if the second girl... refuses to be dumped?"

"Have you tried?"

"Yeah would you believe it... I just want.. The first girl. She is just different. A good different. But the second girl is persistent."

"Has she got a reason why she's doing this? The second girl?"

"Yeah. But I don't know if you want to hear it."

"I can guess."

"Go for it," I said with a wry smile.

"She is using you for money?"


"She wants to get pregnant? Have you been using protection?"

"I don't think she CAN get pregnant."

"How are you sure?"

"People talk. I think she has a condition preventing pregnancy."

"Like polycystic ovaries?"

"Something like that."

"But are you still using protection?"


"Well for God's sake, do. Even as a precaution. You've come close to that once already-"

"I don't need reminding. Do you give up?"

"Nope. I have a couple more. She's using you to get back at someone."

"No. I don't see why she would. She doesn't have a lot of friends."

"Okay. Last thing... She's using you because she knows you.. you used to play girls about and is trying to get back at YOU."

"That's pretty much it yeah."

"Then I'm not surprised. As a girl, I say good on her. As your older sister, I say fuck her. Not literally. But it's not fair to be played even if you were a player yourself."

"So what do I do?"

"Stop doing HER. Simple."

"It's not that simple. I feel like I'm being seduced by her. Like when she's around, I don't want to stop."

"Think about girl number one when you're with girl number two."

"You make that sound easy."

"It is easy. Just try it."

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Then I'll come there and kick her ass." I laughed.

 "Thanks Sis."

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