Chapter Sixteen

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I sat at my desk. I wasn't doing anything, I was just thinking. I had messed up everything. I hadn't had the strength to push anyone away... Emily had been what was keeping me going for so long and then Cordelio got in on the action. She was messing with my head, messing with my personality. Just what she had wanted. I had messed up everything.

"You just won't break will you?" Cordelio had entered the room. I hadn't heard her. She was so silent. Just like a vampire.

"You already knew all this, Kylo. You knew I was a succubus. You just wanted to pretend that I was otherwise." Cordelio took a step towards me. Some instinct made me rise out of my chair and back one step away from her. Her eyes were darker than normal. Like she had become evil or something.

"I wanted to believe you were different. But you tricked me. And I fell for you and Analisse, just like you guys wanted." Cordelio sighed heavily. For the first time, she seemed to let her shield down. Her face crumpled with emotion.

"I don't have a choice, Kylo. It's how Analisse and I live. The succubus lives to seduce and kill men."

"So you're going to kill me?" I backed up one more step but Cordelio followed.

"Yes. I have no choice. You know too much."

"Is there more of you?"

"The succubus and the incubus are real. They hide among the shadows but they are real. Humans suspect more than ever but while we are hidden, they will never know for sure. If I kill you, this will just be another bad fairy tale to tell."

"I have a family." I stuttered.

"So does everyone I have ever killed. I'm sorry, Kylo. But I'm thirsty. And you cannot be broken. I guess you were right after all. You won't be broken."

"Why? Is it because of my-"

"Race does not have any effect on your thought processes. It is nothing physical. Gender has a minimal impact. Females react differently than males to the succubi. Males react differently than females to the incubi. I don't know why but I can presume. Race has no effect. Neither does marriage or relationships. Even if a man is happily married, I can still seduce him."

"What about sexual orientation?" Cordelio smiled at my question.

"A woman who is a lesbian is also attracted to the succubi and not to the incubi. The point is that we vampires seduce to survive. And we succeed. My mind gifts and Analisse's emotion gifts help us to achieve that. Not all vampires have it. Some seduce on their own abilities with no aid of gifts and tricks."

"And if you didn't feed? If you didn't have to kill?" I knew I was delaying the inevitable at this point. I backed up once more and my back was against the wall. Shit.

"We would die. A slow and painful death."

"So you're not immortal."

"We lead immortal lives, we can live forever as long as we feed. But is anything truly immortal?" Cordelio looked at me. "We have spoken long enough. It's time." Cordelio stopped right in front of me and placed her hands on either side of my face. I felt my heart seem to stop as she looked straight into my eyes.

"Don't do this," I whispered.

"Any last words?" She whispered back.

"Will it hurt?" I asked. She smiled.

"Maybe a little. I'm sorry in advance. I truly didn't want this to happen. I just wish you would have broken like so many men before you. I'm sorry for causing you pain, for ruining your life." Before I could say anything else, she turned my head to the side. I couldn't even move as I felt something cut into my throat.

Oh God, the pain... The pain was something I had never experienced before in my life. I had broken my arm before. That had been a sickening pain but this could not equal to it. I had burnt my fingers and my hands several times, by accident. This was similar to that. A burning fire in my blood, in my veins, killing me. I wanted to die... Kill me... Please... I could hear my gasps of agony as tears filled my eyes. I could barely feel the tears falling down my face, the pain of that fire hurt too much but Cordelio couldn't stop. She was holding me so tight, I couldn't run or fight her off... I wanted to die... My vision was turning blurry. I wanted to go into the dark but the fire kept me from doing that. White lights popped in my vision and I couldn't see properly. I closed my eyes, trying with all my strength to push Cordelio away but I was shocked at how weak I had become. I barely nudged her. I was not even strong enough to provide a temporary distraction. My knees were starting to give out.

 "Cordelio! No!" I opened my eyes which took a lot of effort. I didn't have much willpower to stay up, Cordelio was the one holding me pinned against the wall so she could feed. However, I could just make out the blonde beauty and recognise the voice of Analisse. Analisse flitted to Cordelio's side and in a move so fast, I almost missed it, Analisse had put a hand on Cordelio's shoulder and threw her across the room. Cordelio hit the wall opposite me and landed with a growl in a crouching position. Analisse crouched in a hunting position in front of me, facing her. My vision popped and my knees buckled. I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I hit the floor, blacking out as I did so. 

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