Chapter Fourteen - Emily

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It was Thursday and I was lying on my bed in my bedroom, mulling it over. Kylo had been missing from school for several days. Randy was saying he had to leave because of a family emergency, that Kylo had sought him out on Monday and said he wasn't joining the team. However, a rumour was going around saying Kylo had been suspended for a week because of him smoking on school grounds. Randy said Kylo had been smoking. But I wasn't sure. It was too suspicious!

First of all the Hayes sisters had been around for ages. Every guy in my school seemed to have a major crush on them, including Randy. They stopped getting that crush after a few days and seemed to have a dreamlike state about them. Then they snapped out of it and life went on as normal. However, if asked, the guy said he still liked the girls. I had seen this first hand with Randy. How he seemed to like them forever then one day he just seemed to forget it ever happened. He even got a new girlfriend.

Second of all Kylo had noticed the Hayes sisters like anyone new does in our school. Kylo investigates them (because of me) and agrees they're weird but there's nothing we can do so we said we would let it go.

Thirdly the Hayes sisters stop coming to school but no one seems to care or know. Then Kylo starts acting weirdly. Finally this. Him telling me he didn't want to be friends anymore. And now he's stopped coming to school too. Once again, no one seems to care or know the truth about it.

The day before, Kylo was genuinely honest with me. He told me his history and how the Hayes sisters were affecting him but I was the only thing keeping him going. And now he was gone. It was too fishy.

But what could I do? I had no strength. I had my guesses that those two girls were some form of non-human being. Vampire being the top of my guess list. But I couldn't fight that! I was only human, a mortal, easily disposable. But at the same time, I had to try something. Kylo was my friend now and he was in danger. I had to try something.

I decided Friday night, if nothing had changed, I would see if he was at his house. If he was, I would talk to him. Hopefully, he would talk back to me. If he wasn't at his house, I would have to contact his family and see if it was true that his family was having some form of emergency, other than a divorce. One that was severe enough to send Kylo back home. His sister's name was Rebecca Alexander, her contacts would be somewhere. Maybe even school records. I would get to that if it came to it. But first. I had to go to Kylo's house.

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