Chapter Twenty

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I kept to the shadows and watched. I knew how to be secretive and sly. It was not a difficult task and no one noticed me watching. I watched HER. I saw her as she walked to classes. It was nearing Thanksgiving now and the holidays would be soon. Emily walked to classes. She walked alone. She spent her lunch break alone. She went home with Randy but never seemed to speak to him. She had grown distant from everyone and this hurt me. It hurt so much to see how much she was hurting too. And I bet she thought I had forgotten about her, that I had just moved on with my life. How wrong she was!

But I didn't know how to approach her. What would I say? An apology didn't seem enough anymore. I had caused her so much pain.

After three days of following her about, watching her cry herself to sleep in her bedroom, I decided I couldn't wait any longer. The longer I waited, the more damage I would cause.

On Saturday, she went to band practice. I followed her and watched her. She didn't concentrate and she severely messed it up. I remembered with a pang that she had a gig a few days ago. I had missed it. Ouch.

She left the friend's house. The other people left too, going with parents, driving their own cars or carpooling. Emily walked alone. I followed her as she walked, not to her own house which was in the other direction but to a park. There were a few people there, dog walking or having picnics. I followed as Emily went to a bench under a tree and took a seat. I crept up behind her and gently closed a hand over her eyes and one over her mouth to stifle her scream before bending by her ear. She struggled and her muffled scream still seemed loud to me.

"It's Kylo." I moved my hand from her mouth but kept the one over her eyes.

"Kylo? What the hell, you freaking idiot!" She shouted. I smiled.

"I'm sorry I scared you," I said as I listened to her heart racing. It slowly went down.

"Is that all you're sorry for?" I could feel her lashes fluttering against my hand. I was surprised she hadn't moved my hand away.

"Never. I have so much to apologise for and no time to do it in."

"What do you mean? And why is your hand still over my eyes?"

"Something happened, Emily. You were right and I wish I could help you understand but you can't know what happened because we can't be together. It's too dangerous." Emily's heart missed a beat. I could hear her breathing hitch in her anxiety.

"They changed you?" I hesitated.



"Cordelio was trying to kill me. Analisse stopped her but this happened. That's one of the reasons why I haven't been able to apologise sooner. I wasn't able to."

"You're an incubus?" I smiled.

"You did your research about this whole thing didn't you?"

"Yep. Where are THEY?"

"They have no use for me anymore. They've left for good. They won't be back."

"How can you be sure?"

"I'm sure. They won't come back here again." I promised. Emily sighed softly. It was a sigh of mingled relief and annoyance.

"Can I see you yet?"

"Close your eyes." I knew when she had done so because her lashes stopped fluttering. I removed my hand and walked around the bench. I then crouched in front of Emily. Her eyes were closed. I saw properly how tired she looked, the dark shadows under her eyes, the lack of colour in her cheeks. She had been hiding her sadness with make-up so I hadn't noticed. My vampire eyes saw past the cover up though. She looked so... Beautiful. She made my unbeating heart swell. Even as sad as she was. She was not plain to me like she once had been. She was... gorgeous.

"Okay," I told her. She opened her eyes. Despite how sad she was, her eye colour remained the same. Hazel. The most gorgeous girl.

"Jesus..." She whispered as she took me in.

"I know... It's a lot."

"No. It's a change for sure but you're still so... the guy I fell in love with. Even with all that change." I bit my lip.

"My feelings for you haven't changed. I've been through a lot but if anything, they've only got stronger."

"That's very soppy." She told me. I laughed. I drank in her overwhelming scent of candy and I loved it.

"I've got more where that came from." I joked. She smiled. Her smile faded as she placed her hands on either side of my face.

"You're an incubus. How do I know you won't seduce girls and take them?"

"I wouldn't do that. Not if I'm with you. You are the only girl that has made me feel... Normal. I won't hurt you. Not again. I promise. But how do I know you aren't just being seduced by me?" I smiled as I spoke. I knew my intentional charms were turned off but my looks, scent and voice would still drag her in. She placed her lips on mine and kissed me. I kissed her back. Her lips were so soft.

"Because I was in love with you from the day I met you in front of the school. A lost and cute guy. Nothing too remarkable about him. Just the way he was possibly considering backing into the parking lot and getting run over." I laughed. It was loud and scared the birds from the trees. I didn't care though.

"Nothing too remarkable about her either. She acts like such a dork but she's got the most amazing beauty of being different. She stands out to me. She shines like a star."

 "I can live with that." And Emily kissed me once more.

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