Chapter Nineteen

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There was indeed much to learn but Analisse was so much help. How to hunt was the first thing. Analisse and I left the house to do this. She ran and I followed. I had seen the speed at which the girls had moved. Much faster than any athlete. But now, I could keep up.

"We hunt outside of where we live otherwise we draw too much attention to ourselves." Analisse had explained while we ran. It was effortless to talk and run. There was no effort required in the movement of running or even of talking. Just as easy and fluid as walking or getting up had been.

"You do that anyway, without trying." I joked. She smiled at me. Her happiness never seemed to reach her eyes. She still seemed down about the whole situation. I supposed I wasn't surprised. She was upset about the situation.

We hunted in a city, far from my hometown. It was evening and the sun was setting already. Analisse kept to the shadows and I followed her.

"What happens if we're in the sun? Do you glitter like disco balls?" I asked her in a hushed tone. She smiled again.

"No. Twilight didn't get everything right. We do burn."


"Definitely not. Stop talking." I pretended to zip my lips.

We stalked a couple. They were middle-aged and were holding hands. Analisse took in a deep breath.

"Clean." She whispered to me.


"Humans binge on anything. Fatty foods, drugs, alcohol. It taints the blood. They're clean. You can take the girl. I'll take the guy." I followed Analisse as she went down a side street to block them off before they reached the end of the alleyway. We stepped into the couple's sight and they stopped dead. The woman clutched the man tightly. However, the man had seen Analisse and his eyes were wide. I watched as she fluttered her eyelashes and smiled shyly up at the man.

"Will you come with me?" She asked quietly. He didn't even hesitate. He tried to shake the woman off as he stepped towards Analisse. The woman looked scared and confused as she looked at the man and Analisse. Then she looked at me. I didn't know how to act. I couldn't flutter my eyelashes, I would look a right fool. But some instinct told me what to do. I held out my hand.

"Will you come with me?" I asked softly. I was louder than Analisse but it had the desired effect. The woman's face seemed to melt with emotion and attraction. She let go of her husband and placed her hand in mine. I glanced around quickly. There was no one around apart from us. I pulled her close and bit into her throat. It was so quick and sudden that the woman didn't even have time to scream. Her cry of surprise was cut off quickly with a gurgle as I sucked and swallowed. Blood. It did not have an iron taste, and I was surprised by that. It was sweet and it helped me feel calmer. When I had completely drained her, I looked at Analisse. She had been quick to act too before the man could react. He now lay dead and drained at her feet.

"Not so quick next time. Take them somewhere private. More private than an open alleyway." Analisse instructed. I nodded and we took the bodies to dispose of them.

Two days after I had transformed into an incubus, I called my family back. My mom was mad with concern and fury. She couldn't believe I hadn't rung  her. I lied and said I had been on a school trip. She took the bait and left me alone. I said I was busy with study groups so I wouldn't be able to call her as often as she would like. She said she was proud of me. That stung.

I called Rebecca too. Rebecca said she was on the verge of calling the Police to ensure I was okay. I reassured her and told her the Hayes girls had left town. Rebecca celebrated with me. She didn't know the truth. She never would.

Several times I rang Emily's number. Twice I hung up before she could pick up. The rest of the times I listened to her soft voice asking who it was. Her voice was like velvet, even over the phone.

Analisse taught me everything. She watched me hunt by myself and watched me turn on and off the charms to seduce. She taught me how to decide who was clean and who was not. How to go unnoticed. What vampires required. What we could live without. How to live like a human. How and when to feed. It was endless but after three more days, Analisse was satisfied.

"Well... I can't think of anything else." Analisse said. She had done some kind of stupid trivia quiz and I had answered correctly on everything. It was hard not to with a perfect memory recollection.

"So what happens now?" I asked. Analisse looked straight at me.

"I have to go." She replied. I felt a twinge of panic.


"Because Cordelio is my sister and we have to start a new life elsewhere. I suggest you do the same. There's nothing for you here now." I bit my lip.

"There is one thing."

"It won't work, Kylo. Humans can't date vampires. It will never work."

"I have to try," I told Analisse. Analisse shrugged.

"It's your choice. I won't control what you do anymore. But I can't stay here any longer. We have arisen enough suspicion. Caused enough pain. It's time to start over."

"You leave tonight?" I asked. She shook her head and stood up.

"I leave now. There is no more reason for me to stay." I felt more panic.

"What if I mess up? Or if I need help?"

 "You'll figure it out, Kylo. It's not my problem anymore. I did as best as I could. I couldn't have done any more than I did. Just don't lose who you've become." Analisse took a step toward me. I stood up. She came right in front of me and gently placed her lips against mine. The kiss lasted only a second or two and then she was gone. Neither of us had reacted to the kiss. It was merely a peck. I had not moved and neither had she apart from to lean her face in. She was gone.

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