Chapter Four

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The rest of the week was uneventful. I caught up quickly with my lessons. It was stuff I had already done in my previous school back in L.A. On Friday after school, Emily met me outside the parking lot as arranged.

"Do you have your own car?" She asked me. I nodded.

"My Granddad's car before he passed away. It's on 'loan' as my Mom likes to remind me." I led the way to an old Ford in dirty brown. I opened the passenger door for Emily then got in the driver's seat.

"So is that where you live? Your granddad's home?"

"Yeah. He left everything to my Mom in his will. Made her a hell of a lot richer than she already is. My Mom said I would live here until the divorce came through."

"How long is that going to take?" Emily asked. I drove down the familiar roads to the house. I frowned in thought.

"I don't really know. If I'm honest, I think my Mom is fighting to keep him there. I'm not bothered anymore."

"Are you an only child?"

"No. I have an older sister called Rebecca and a younger brother called Isaac." Emily raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me if this is too personal but why are your siblings called that but your name is very unique and entirely not biblical?" I smiled as I stopped the car in the drive. I didn't answer as I led the way into the house and into the kitchen. I made us both a glass of orange squash then turned to her.

"Because we're all half-siblings. Isaac has a different dad. His dad is my stepfather. Rebecca... She's adopted. She was already named by the time my father and my Mom adopted her. She was four. I didn't come along until she was six. I was their miracle baby. They had been trying for a kid for years and by chance, I came along. Kylo doesn't have some form of magical meaning. It's a name that my father and my mother decided on together."

"I see. I'm sorry for asking." Emily looked awkward. I smiled.

"It's fine. I've definitely not had an easy life but that isn't why we're here."

"Right. So you read Twilight?"

"Not really. I read a summary. But I got the gist of it."

"So vampires in Twilight, they're not like ordinary vampires. They can come out in the day because of the cloud cover. Michigan is one of the coldest states. Constant cloud cover, rare sunshine, plenty of rain, snow and hail. So similar to Washington. The beauty, the pale skin... That's all a part of it too."

"I saw them eating though. The Cullen's can't eat human food right?"

"No they can but they choose not to. Food doesn't taste nice. It doesn't help them nutritionally."

"Yeah, but they don't seem to mind." This was true, I had seen them eating different things, choosing particular favourites. Cordelio always had grapes on her tray. Analisse mainly had a cheese sandwich.

"No, that I don't understand."

"Their eye colour? Red, black or gold?"

"Nope. Never been close enough myself but when Cordelio first arrived, Randy had a massive thing for her. He said her eyes were blue. 'As blue as the sky'." Emily rolled her eyes at the memory.

"Blue eyes aren't part of the vampire thing." I pointed out.

"I know."

"What about human blood? Has that ever been explained or seen?"

"No of course not. They wouldn't be around if so."

"And the powers the vampires have? What about that?"

"I don't think so but I don't know for certain." I rubbed my fingers against my temples.

"So let me just get this straight. All we have in comparison is the fact they come out during the day. They are pale skinned. Extremely beautiful. All guys like them and all the girls hate them. Is that really it?"

"They don't come out in the sunshine. We do have sunny days and they never turn up. No one even notices they're gone."

"So what do you reckon happens in the sun? They sparkle too?"

"I don't know."

"So what do we do?" I finally asked.

"It's too dangerous to get close to them. I think we should just leave it. I'm scared, Kylo. I don't want to know what happens if they don't like us anymore." Emily shuddered.

"Okay. But I don't know if I can just drop it anymore. I will think things through. Until then... We'll leave it."

We did our homework together as it allowed for a distraction. I ordered a pepperoni pizza and we ate while writing. Finally, when that was finished, it was late enough to call it a night.

"I'll drive you home." I offered.

"I can get a taxi," Emily said.

"No, come on I insist." Emily bit her lip, checked the time (it was nine) and then nodded.

"Okay thank you." I left a light on before we left in the car. All the vampire talk was still very there in my mind and it terrified me. I drove Emily home and we talked about anything BUT the Hayes sisters. Emily's home was the other way past the school. The school looked weird in the dark. Emily's home, however, was the complete opposite of creepy and weird. It was a very modernised home with three stories and so much land. The lights were all on inside the house, not just the one I had left on.

"I would ask you in but it's getting late."

"Don't worry about it. Nice house though." I choked out. Emily smiled at me.

"Thanks. See you on Monday?"

"Sure, see you then." I said. Emily kissed my cheek and got out. I blinked, stunned. We had only known each other for a week! Plus I wouldn't put it past Randy to kill me if he knew I was into his cousin. I shook my head to clear away any thoughts of Emily Baker and drove away.

The house was weird again. No phone calls from Mom, no doubt she was busy with her soon to be ex. Instead, I called Rebecca. It was late but I knew she would be up.

"Hey, Ky! How's it going over there?"

"Erm. Weird. But I don't want to get into that right now. Anything new with Mom?"

"Hmph. No. Course not. I hope this divorce just hurries up. It's having a huge effect on Isaac."

"How is Isaac?"

"Upset. It's only natural. But he'll be alright."

"Reckon he'll live with Mom or John?" John was our stepfather.

"Reckon there's going to be a custody battle on this one. It's not going to be nice for Isaac. It's better he lives with me for the time being."

"At least he can still go to his school," I muttered.

"Come on Ky. It's going to be okay. I promise. Who knows maybe Michigan might straighten you out?"

"Whatever. I'm off to bed."

"Oh come on, Ky, you know what I meant."

 "Bye Re." I hung up. I locked the door then slumped off to bed. I put on a movie in bed. My mind was swirling. I was so tired of the drama. Scary and annoying drama.

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