Chapter Two

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I found myself in the same class as Emily again before lunch, French with Miss King. Miss King was a sweet lady, maybe a bit shy and let her class tread all over her. After French, Emily led the way to the cafeteria. We bought our own food and took our trays to a big round table in the middle. Randy was sat here already with four other guys plus three girls.

"Kylo! Calculus was a blast!" Randy laughed. As I sat down with Emily, Randy quickly made introductions. Ethan Butler was a built, brunette with his hair cut short. Jacob Cox was a tanned guy with dark blonde hair. Owen Harris was pale skinned, green eyes and tall. Brandon Clark had black floppy hair and pale blue eyes, so pale they looked more like ice.

The girls were Emily's friends. A blonde plaited haired girl called Mia Nelson who was dating Jacob. Haven Lee who was African American with straight black hair down to her waist. Finally Lillian Lopez, a Spanish and American girl who was dating Randy. She was big breasted, black curly hair and brown eyes.

"Randy won't shut up about you," Lillian said, fluttering her lashes at me. One of THEM girls then.

"I only said he played football, he's from L.A and his name," Randy said, brushing a piece of Lillian's black hair back. She smirked at him.

"You never did explain properly why you moved down here," Emily said as she bit into an apple.

"Well, my parents are getting divorced. Stepfather had enough of my mother's cheating ways. The divorce will be settled soon so I guess this isn't permanent."

"Why are you down here alone though?" Randy asked.

"My mother said she couldn't handle my drama."

"And your biological father?" Mia asked.

"Died when I was four."

"Shit man, sorry," Randy said. I shrugged.

"I don't remember him much. Just saw pictures of him. Around that time my Mom thought fucking every guy was her only option."

"Why did he die?" Owen asked. He seemed quieter than everyone else, thoughtful almost.

"He was in the military. Died in action."

"Sorry," Randy said again.

The subject changed to classes. I actually got to eat my lunch as the atmosphere relaxed. I glanced around the cafeteria. It was clear I had lucked out. I was at the table with jocks and popular girls. Though Emily seemed nice, maybe she wasn't so nice to her peers. That seemed to be the case most of the time. Then there were the other cliques. The misfits, the nerds, the drama students. And in a far corner of the cafeteria was a small table with two girls. I was proud of my decent eyesight and even from this distance, I could see the beauty about them.

Two girls, one blonde with luscious wavy curls down past her shoulders. The other was brunette with a reddish tinge to her hair. Her hair was so straight. As she talked to the other girl and moved her head about, the light picked out the red highlights. I had to wonder if it was natural or if it was dyed in.

The thing is, both girls were gorgeous. So beautiful. They did not have one single flaw. The blonde one was slim with tits that were a perfect size, not too big and not too small. The brunette was more curvy, a curve in her hips that was not too much, just right. Both of them were dead pale. Paler than any other person in this place.

Around the table, the chatter continued. Only Emily had noticed my wandering eyes.

"You don't want to mess with those two." She whispered close to my ear.

"Why?" I whispered back.

"They're not... Normal. No one likes them. They're weird."

"How?" Emily fidgeted with her straw in her cup.

"Well... The guys love them. All of them. It's like it's witchcraft. But none of them will talk to them. The guys won't say why but I reckon it's because they're scared of them. I would be. And the girls. They want to kill them. Or kiss them in some cases. I just don't get it."

"Are they new or have they always been loners?"

"They've been here a couple of years."

"Who are they?"

"The brunette... She's called Analisse. It's spelt weird and pronounced weird. Said Anna-Lesse. Weird. Anyway, the blonde is called Cordelio. Cor-dell-ee-oh. They're sisters. Analisse and Cordelio Hayes," Emily pulled back and laughed. "It's all very weird and kinda like Twilight."

"Twilight? As in the time of the day?" We were speaking in normal voices.

"No doofus. As in Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. God, don't boys READ?" I had to smile at Emily's annoyed tone. We finished our lunch and went to our next classes. Randy caught me before we went our separate ways.

"When you're free, come to take a peek at our games. We have practice every Friday night. Four til seven."

 "Sounds cool. I'll be there." I told him. Randy smiled at me and left.

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