Chapter Thirteen

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I dressed. I didn't pay much attention to what I dressed in. I had breakfast, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair. I did everything mechanically. Without thought. It wasn't for trying, the only thing that was in my mind was Cordelio who had stayed until the early hours of the morning. She had kissed me goodbye, saying she would be back here before I got back. I couldn't stop thinking about her... She was the one...

It was with these thoughts that I got into the car and drove off to school. It was a typical Monday. Sun. I found a parking space close to the school. This would make it quicker for me to get back to Cordelio when I was done.

I couldn't find Emily until I got to the outside of my class. She was standing outside with a smile on her face.

"Hey! I wanted to just let you know-"

"Emily, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be friends with you." Emily looked surprised.

"What? Is this a joke?"

"No. I'm done. I want to play you and you just won't let me go. I don't want to be friends with you, why would I?" Emily's colour had drained completely from her face. She looked hurt.

"But what you said... I don't understand... Why would you say that?"

"What I said at the restaurant... I lied. I don't care about you. I never will do." Emily opened and closed her mouth several times. My heart felt cold. I didn't care about her. I knew it now. I didn't care.

"This isn't you, Kylo. This isn't you." I laughed as the bell rang.

"You don't know me, Emily. Just go away and stay away." I spun around and walked out of the building. I could feel Emily staring at me as I left.

I didn't want to go to class. I walked around the school campus. I didn't have to really think about where I wanted to go or how to avoid the teachers because my feet seemed to have a mind of its own. It led me to the back of the school where the bike sheds were. Three guys were standing there. As I got nearer, I recognised them. It was Randy, Ethan and Jacob. All were in their varsity jackets and all three were smoking cigarettes. They turned hurriedly to see what was going on, trying to hide the cigarettes as they did. They relaxed and smiled when they saw me.

"Jesus Kylo. You gave us a fright." Randy said as he put his cigarette to his lips.

"I wanted to talk to you," I said to him. My mind seemed to slip with its memory of Cordelio as I wondered why they were here and not in class. I blinked, temporarily forgetting why I was there. Meanwhile Randy looked at me.

"Sure." He chucked down his cigarette and stamped it out with his sneaker. I half walked, half stumbled away from the bike sheds. Randy followed me. I stopped a little way from the bike sheds and turned to face Randy. He was looking curiously at me.

"What's this about?" He asked. Cordelio slipped into my confused mind again.

"I don't want to partake in practice right now." Randy raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Last practice didn't go great but your first practice was amazing! You shouldn't quit now."

"It's not because of that. It's because of family life. It's getting a bit complicated and I need to leave for a little while." Randy looked sympathetic now. He patted my shoulder.

"That's alright, mate. Take all the time you need. When do you go?"

"Supposed to be today," I muttered. My mind was still frazzled like my mind was having an internal debate that I couldn't understand. Part of my mind was screaming for Cordelio. The other part was confused as to why I was doing this. What was going on?

"Have time for a cig? You look like you need it." Randy took out his pocket and handed it out. I shrugged and took one. Maybe it might help my frazzled mind. We walked back to the bike sheds and Ethan lit the end of my cigarette with a match and matchbox he had. I took a drag. I didn't really smoke. I had done it before, I knew how to smoke. Just the need had never come about. Plus my Mom would have flipped if she knew I smoked...

Mom... Rebecca. Cordelio. What was it that we had spoken about? When Rebecca and I had talked... What had we said? All I remembered was that it was something to do with the Hayes sisters. It wasn't that long ago, surely I should have remembered? Whatever Rebecca had said, I was certain it should have helped me with Cordelio and whatever was going on between us. Cordelio. Had she mind tricked me into doing this? Had I done this all by myself? What was Cordelio doing to me? Could I stop this?

Emily... What had I said to her? Was she hurt?

My heart seemed to ache. I remembered how cold it had felt when I was speaking to Emily. Now it hurt. Maybe it wasn't too late. Maybe I could save things. But what could Emily do to help?

Suddenly a teacher appeared. I didn't recognise her but she was middle-aged with her brunette hair tied back in a bun and her face lined. She looked furious.

"Shit." Randy gasped. He grabbed my cigarette and tossed it to the floor then placed his foot over it.

"I saw that, Mr Alexander!" I cringed as she snapped at me.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." As she stopped in front of us. I noticed Ethan and Jacob had already lost their cigarettes.

"You three, go to class." The teacher pointed at Randy, Ethan and Jacob.

"It wasn't his cigarette-" Randy started to say but the teacher snapped her bony fingernails. Ethan and Jacob threw a grimace in my direction and left. Randy folded his arms across his chest.

"RIGHT NOW OTHERWISE NO PRACTISE FOR TWO WEEKS!" The teacher screeched. Randy kicked a bike and turned to go. He looked back at me and mouthed the words,

"Sorry mate." I shrugged as the teacher turned to me.

"You are suspended for a week, Alexander. Go home." I looked at the teacher closely. Her face was blank, her eyes boring into mine. No expression, no body language, nothing. The only thing that showed any trace of emotion was her firm voice.

"Suspended? Just like that?" I asked.

"Yes. Go." I looked at her even more closely.

"Does the name Cordelio Hayes ring a bell?" I asked her quietly. She cringed for just a second before her face returned to the cold frozen exterior.

"Go home, Kylo Alexander."

"Does it?" I demanded.

"Yes. I am here. I will physically remove you myself if you do not come to the house now. And do not even THINK about going anywhere else. I am watching you." I felt a shiver of terror drop down my spine. I crossed my arms across my chest and walked off to the parking lot. Fuck. She was stalking me now. I got in my car and drove off back to the house. I didn't drive very fast, under the speed limit. It wasn't very long until I felt a metallic bang as something hit the car on my side. I jumped and jerked the steering wheel. I quickly righted the car as the backdoor opened on my side and someone slipped onto the seat.

"Analisse was right after all. You ARE hard to break." Cordelio said, in an amused tone.

"So you possess people now?" I asked her as she slammed the car door shut.

"No. Not exactly. When a person's mind is... tapped in to... I can speak through them by asking them to say what I say. I would have done that for you but it's like you're blocking some of my gifts. I can't fully tap into you. Though clearly some of my talents work because you broke up with your girlfriend and quit practice."

"You can read my mind." It was a statement, not a question.

"Yes. I can read minds, I can change elements of a personality, I can speak through a person, I can make people forget or remember false things. There's a lot I can do."

"So I'm screwed." I parked the car and twisted the key out of the ignition. Cordelio reached over and kissed my throat.

 "You're screwed." She admitted, continuing to kiss my throat.

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