Chapter Twenty-One

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We met at my house the next day. Emily came bright and early. We had a lot to discuss. I made her a cup of tea, happy that I had cleaned up the house before she came in otherwise she would have seen a war zone. Emily looked like she had finally had a decent night's sleep. She still had her makeup on but she looked so much happier now and the difference was clear. She had more colour in her cheeks today. The smells of blueberry shampoo and shower gel were strong, scented lightly with a perfume which was similar to roses. I could still smell her candy scent though. The extra scents only added to it.

"So you drink human blood?" She jumped straight into the questions as we sat on the sofa.

"Yes. I can eat human food too. I can survive on both but human blood makes me stronger."

We talked for ages. We compared the similarities and differences from the vampires we had read about. The sun burnings, the gifts certain vampires had, the overpowering senses. It was an extremely long discussion. Emily was fascinated by it. She did not flinch from any of it, not even the hard parts.

Finally, I had told Emily everything I knew.

"Wow." She murmured.

"It's a lot to take in," I said, apologetically. Emily shook her head.

"It's interesting. I like to know how much I got right and what I got wrong."

"You guessed a lot right," I told her with a smile. She smiled too and then put her cup down.

"So what happens now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her with a frown.

"Well, you can't stay here. It'll look too suspicious. Can you go back to your family?"

"Not my Mom. My Mom wouldn't understand which is good but she would be a pain anyways."

"What about your sister?"

"I think she would understand TOO much." I smiled sadly.

"You can't go alone," Emily said, frowning.

"I may have to. I am a danger to others."

"Let me come."

"I can't."

"Why?" Emily looked a little hurt. I took her hand.

"Because it's still dangerous. You're still in school. You must finish school first."

"So are you." She pointed out.

"I may be but I have to understand what I am. I may find others like me elsewhere. Others that can teach me how to live with a human."

"You want to live with me?" Emily's lips tugged up into a smile. I kissed her lips softly then nodded.

"Yes. I do. I want to live with you and love you. But I have to understand."

"When will you go?" This was why I loved Emily so much. She didn't moan and whine about me leaving. She accepted and trusted in me that I would (if I could) come back.


"So soon?" Emily looked surprised and anxious. I kissed her hand.

"Don't be sad. I would only prolong my stay for you and you have school to finish. I must go." Emily bit her lip.

"When will you come back?" I pulled her to my side and hugged her.

"I don't know. Whenever I've learnt enough. I will not give up on you. I will love you forever. But I need you to be safe."

"I won't give up on you either. I know you'll figure this all out. And when you do, I'll be waiting for you." She said.

It made my heart ache. I didn't know when I would see Emily again. It could be a year or four or maybe even a decade. But I would hold out for her. I would make myself safe for her.

We stayed on the couch for hours. We didn't talk. We just sat and appreciated the other being so close. I tried to smell and stare at Emily so I could keep everything to memory. I would not forget her, I was sure of that. But God I would miss her so.

"I should get going home," Emily said softly. I hadn't realised how dark it had got. My eyes could adjust easily to the night.

"I'll drop you off. I need to pack."

"Won't that take all week?" Emily asked with a sad smile.

"Of course not. I'm speedy." I winked at her and pulled her up.

Emily helped with the packing process. She packed my bedroom of clothes and sentimental items. We put all of it into my car. There was a lot I didn't need. I wanted to travel somewhat light. As Emily was packing away the last few items, I wrote three letters and sealed them into envelopes. I then scribbled on the names onto each and left them on the kitchen counter. While Emily got into the car, I went into each room. I checked all the lights were off and then left the house for the final time. I locked the door and put the key under the trash can outside. I then got into the car and drove away.

"Where will you go?" Emily asked. The night was fast coming down now and it was getting late.

"All over the world if I have to. There will be more of us somewhere. I just hope I don't bump into Cordelio and Analisse anytime soon."

"Fingers crossed." Emily murmured.

The drive to Emily's house was a short one and I was sad when it was over. I stopped the car right outside the house this time. We were alone still. The lights were all on though in the big house.

"Good luck," Emily whispered.

"I love you, Emily," I told her. I reached over and kissed her. She kissed me back. Her tears mingled with our kiss. I could taste the saltiness of her tears.

"I love you." She whispered when we both pulled away.

"Don't forget me," I told her, trying to sound jokingly.

"Neither must you." She said back, wiping away the remaining tears. I touched her cheek, wiping away one stray tear.

"Never." She got out of the car. I watched as she closed the door and stood back. She watched me drive off.

I drove faster now. There was no more left to do here. I was done now. I could discover how to live with a human. I would wait for Emily, she was worth waiting for. I drove out of the town's boundaries and I didn't look back.


I have discovered so much. I have travelled over the states and you would be surprised by the number of vampires that live all over. It's amazing.

I am currently staying with three vampires. They seem willing to live amongst humans as almost humans themselves. This has been one truly educational journey for me. One of the vampires here is three hundred years old! I don't know how anyone can live that long without getting bored.

I have also met a vampire couple. An incubus and succubus who are in love. They seduce others only to feed. Other than that, they live in solitude by themselves and with no bothers. It's a start. Maybe we still have hope.

I hope school is going well for you. Do well in band practice and maybe you'll get somewhere with your music. Don't be afraid to try new things. I know you'll do well in life, Emily. Don't lose hope in that.

I believe by now my family will have got my letters. I have told them that I am safe but I want to be alone now and discover who I truly am. It's not far from the truth. Anyways I will not disclose my whereabouts in case this letter goes astray but know that I am safe and I am well. I hope you are too. I love you always and never forget you.


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