Chapter Six

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After a shower, I left the changing rooms with Randy and the other guys in our select group. Emily and Lillian were waiting for us outside. Randy threw an arm around Lillian's shoulders and Emily joined me as we walked to the parking lot together. It was getting darker now but the streetlights around the school flooded the place with enough light to say goodbye and to find our cars.

"Hey, we should go out together sometime," Emily told me quietly.

"That would be cool," I told her back.

"Saturday afternoon? I'll come to yours."

"I can pick you up." Emily smiled.

"Okay. Make it two."

"Will do." I smiled at her and went into my car. She waved and went over to Randy's car. I twisted the key in the ignition and was about to drive off when something pressed against my throat.

"Drive lover boy and don't move otherwise you'll die." I had never heard the voice before but it was like silk. Definitely female, it would have sounded sweet if the words weren't a threat. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see a person in the back seat, relaxing against the soft brown leather. Her blonde hair stood out even in this dim light. I sighed and drove. I wouldn't hurt any of my friends.

"Oh honey, please. If I wanted to hurt your friends by now, I would have done it a long time ago. And enjoyed it." The brunette said. 

"Just drive and we'll know if you take us to the wrong place." The blonde whispered. Her voice was also still sweet, still like silk and also a bit higher. 

I drove. I drove straight to the house. I parked and the brunette moved her mouth from my throat. She got out of the car, leaving the blonde there. Analisse opened my door and dragged me out. I was in so much shock, it didn't take much to drag me out. Cordelio left the car. Analisse put her hand in my pocket and I jumped away. FUCK. She laughed as did Cordelio.

"Oh, baby. Please. I'm a lady." Analisse removed the house key from my pocket and tossed it to Cordelio who was closest to the door. She unlocked it and Analisse pushed me in. I put up a little bit of resistance but Analisse did not struggle to drag me. She looked like she was using no strength whatsoever. She then pushed me onto the floor of the living room as Cordelio switched the light on. I saw them both up close for the first time.

Analisse was green-eyed. Her blonde hair was wavy, she was quite slim but with curves and yes she was gorgeous, smelling of roses.

Cordelio was brunette with blue eyes. Her face was slightly rounder than Analisse but no less beautiful. Jesus, how my heart thumped loudly.

"You are going a bit too far with this vampire thing," Analisse said.

"You have to be. There's no other explanation." I muttered. They heard anyway.

"There's plenty of explanations, baby. Your girlfriend just uses way too much imagination."

"So she's lying? Or dumb? I don't think so." I could hear my voice a little louder now. Stupid... Why argue with these girls? They were probably going to kill me even more if I argued.

"No not kill. Just... appease, attract. Seduce." Cordelio said, her eyelashes fluttering. My heart skipped a beat.

"How do you do that?" I asked. Cordelio giggled. A sound which was so sweet... and MY GOD KILL ME...

"Do what? Mind read? It's a gift, what can I say?" Cordelio examined her perfect fingernails as she spoke, smiling softly.

"And you?" I asked Analisse. Analisse had been quiet through all this. She watched me closely and curiously with an expression that I had seen so many times but not as strong as this. Attraction. Fuck. Me.

"I read emotions." She smiled as she said this. Her smile made my heart ache.

"It's called body language and facial expressions," I said, my sarcasm falling through with my weaker voice. I was losing the will to live here. How could two girls just standing in my house have such a profound effect on me?

"No... No, it's more than that. So much more. See... You're falling in love with us right now. And you're trying so hard not to," As Analisse was talking, she came towards me and crouched down so she was on my level. I was still sat on the floor, I couldn't move even with this danger so close to me. She smiled. "You should just give in," Analisse whispered. Before anything else could happen, she pressed her lips to mine. I couldn't move, not even to push her away or to respond. She responded for me, she placed both her hands on either side of my face and kissed me deeper. I felt every inch of my body ache for Analisse. But my mind... It kept drifting away... It didn't want this. I didn't want this... I didn't... Want... this...

I barely noticed Cordelio leave the room. She made no noise. I couldn't keep a hold onto myself any longer. I kissed Analisse back but it wasn't enough. My entire being wanted more. I didn't understand this and I wanted to so bad but I was done trying to push her away. Instead, I held her closer.

I was not a virgin, this had to be understood. I had lost my virginity when I was fifteen to a sixteen-year-old girl who at the time had been the pretty popular one of the entire school. I was eighteen now, just turned about a month ago and I had been fucking girls since the age of fifteen. I didn't date, I screwed about. No girl took my interest. That's why I had a good feeling about Analisse. I knew she would not want a relationship. The girl was definitely not human. But she was something incredible.

When we were done, I was sweating and hot and bothered but Analisse didn't have any reaction. She was just watching me closely. I turned my attention to the ceiling and tried to calm my racing heartbeat. My head was spinning with thoughts of Emily. Fuck! What had I just done?

Analisse rolled over to face me. Even naked, she was a beauty. A goddess. She placed her hand on my chest. We were both warm. Her temperature was normal, like mine. I tried not to think about that.

"You should sleep." She said in a soft whisper.

"Shouldn't you?" I asked.

"I don't need sleep as much as you do. It's a luxury, not a necessity," I raised an eyebrow, putting this to thought. She noticed that and rolled her eyes. "For God's sake, stop. Stop thinking. Just let it be. Stop trying to fight me, Kylo." Her tongue wrapped around my name like a caress. As she kissed my forehead, I felt my heart start up again. It was like taking a long drink and feeling fine for a little while but the thirsty feeling eventually comes back.

"What are you doing to me?" I asked her in a whisper. She looked at me and her eyes were sad.

 "What I have to. This is the only way I can survive. And I will break you, Kylo. I'm sorry." Analisse kissed my lips once and softly. It was enough to make my heart skip. She pulled away and laid down beside me again. I closed my eyes. Sex never made me this exhausted. I was drained. I was asleep within minutes.

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