Chapter Nine

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Sunday was a slow day but it passed eventually. Monday came around with cloud cover so I dressed warmly. I left to go to school, keeping a careful eye on the weather. It was nearing November now and the weather was only going to get worse from here on out.

Emily was waiting for me in the parking lot. I parked and walked straight to her.

"Hey," I said. She smiled at me.


"How was the band meeting?"

"It was great. Uneventful." Emily started chatting about highlights of her Sunday and her band meeting as we walked to our class. I tried to respond as best as I could but I couldn't deny my distraction. I was a senior, I was sure Analisse and Cordelio must be as well. They looked too old to be juniors. However, I had never seen them in any one of my classes. Emily hadn't either, we had discussed this before. However, that didn't stop me from looking around the campus in order to try and find them. It was to no avail though.

My classes were slow and boring. My teachers piled on the homework. I tried my best to focus but it was so hard. I found myself looking around the class for a familiar blonde or brunette head, looking outside the window or through the glass in the classroom door. All I could think about was what my sister had said. I had to keep trying to think of Emily.

At lunch, I sat at the normal table and was one of the last to turn up due to the class finishing later than normal. Everyone else was already there.

"Kylo, how are you doing with that English essay? I just don't get it. Describe WHAT?" Randy said as I picked up my apple and started to eat it.

"I haven't started it yet." I lied.

"Oh. What about you, Jake?"

I tuned out the conversation and glanced at the normal table that the Hayes sisters sat at. But today, they weren't there. I checked the cafeteria but nothing. I kept an eye on the table throughout the whole of lunch but they never turned up. It was cloud cover so they should have been here, no sunshine and yet...

"Hey, Kylo?! We need to go." Jacob called, waving his hand in front of my face. I felt my cheeks redden as I turned back to the table. Only a few of us were still there, the cafeteria was emptying.

"It's the end of lunch already?" I checked as I stood up.

"Yep." Randy grabbed his tray and went to the garbage can to bin all the leftovers. I followed his lead, realising that I only had eaten a few bites of my apple. I saved my bottle of cheap Coke and placed it in my backpack.

Randy kept pace with me as we all made our way to our classes. He then stopped me before we parted ways.

"Hey, meet me by the cafeteria after class."

"O...Kay?" Randy smiled at my unsure tone.

"Just do it." He turned away and walked off to his class. I watched him until he had disappeared from view. It was the sound of the beginning of the class bell that made me run to my next class.

At least Randy had provided me with a distraction. I was now no longer concerned over the Hayes sisters but was concerned over what Randy wanted. Had I been really bad at my last practice? Had he found out about Emily dating me? Somewhat dating me anyway...

So now I was panicking too. My classes dragged even worse than they had done previously. I fidgeted endlessly, unable to focus enough to write anything down. I tapped my pen against my leg and continued to fidget.

When classes finally finished, I almost ran to the cafeteria. I beat Randy there. However, he turned up after a five-minute wait.

"Kylo. I want to offer you a chance to join our team. I think you'll be a valuable asset." I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God it wasn't about Emily.

"Wow... That's awesome. I... I don't what to say."

"Well, we have another practice on Friday. Join us and make your decision then." I smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I will do. And thank you."

I left for the parking lot with a spring in my step and my head going into overdrive with thoughts. 

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