CHAPTER NINE - New Abilities

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CHAPTER NINE - New Abilities


Stampy's POV

I had only gotten about three hours asleep. After what happened last time, and couldn't even close my eyes without having a nightmare about what may happen later. I tried to just forget about what happened. I was probably just imagining it. My head still hurt from falling down on my porch last night.

I walked downstairs to get some cereal out of the pantry and I saw a note on the counter from squid saying that he had to go somewhere and that he wasn't home. Dang it, we were supposed to make a video today.

Being paranoid, I opened the front door to see if that girl was back. Of course, she wasn't. I had no idea what the heck was going on last night, but I probably was just imagining it. I kept on saying that over and over again in my head telling myself that I was imagining it.

Squid's POV

Chazza: Oh, fancy seeing you here David

Squid: Only my friends can call me David, so don't call me that

I don't even know how Chazza and Mika ran into me, I just came here to get a case for my camera.

Mika: Squid, I think you came here for more than a camera case

Squid: What? What are talking about?

Chazza and Mika waited for a second, then just walked away. What? What was the purpose of that? I'm just gonna find the case and leave.

Once I was about halfway back to my house, I heard a noise in my backseat.


I pulled over quickly and pushed Chazza out of my car.


Chazza: Stop yelling, don't worry, this is going to be quick.

Chazza smiled and then stuck a needle into the vein on the other side of my elbow. I was screaming in pain until she finally pulled it out. I fell onto the sidewalk in a curled up position and tried to prevent tears from coming to my eyes.

Once I opened my eyes, I was in my room. YES! IT WAS A DREAM! It was definetly the scariest and most realistic dream ever, but it was a dream! More like a nightmare actually. My forearm still hurt though, probably just me thinking too much about the dream and what happened.

Squid: STAMPY! If you won't to post your video tomorrow, we'd better start making the video now

I got out of bed and for some reason I was already wearing clothes and not my pajamas. Stampy walked upstairs into the hallway.

Stampy: Why did you leave a note saying that you weren't going to be here?

Squid: Um, I didn't

Stampy: Oh, um, ok. Well, I'll go turn on my xbox.

Squid: Ok

I got up and sat down on my wheely chair and got in front of my tv. I looked over at my desk and saw my xbox controller.

Squid: Can you just grow legs and walk over to me?

I didn't feel like rolling over there. Reluctantly I rolled over to it but it had already came over to me. I watched in confusion as the remote floated over to me. What was happening? I grabbed the controller out of the air and turned on my xbox. Did Chazza actually do something to me? Was that not a dream? What had she down to me then?

As I was getting stressed out over the floating controller, Stampy started the the video (Quest to get Happy).

After the video, I decided to test to see if I was either mental or a monster. I put down my phone on a table and I tried to pick it up without using my hands. My phone hovered over the table for a small amount of time, then fell again.

I have to tell Stampy, he's the only one that won't be creeped out. When we were younger (they didn't know each other when they were younger in real life) we used to go see all the X - Men movies and Sci-fi films together, so he won't be afraid of me, right?

Stampy's POV

Squid: Stamps, can I show you something?

Stampy: Yeah, I have time to edit later. What is it?

Squid: Well um, you tell, tell me something you need right now that's in the kitchen.

Stampy: Um...I guess I want some water.

Squid: Oh, um, what about ice?

Stampy: Sure..? What are you doing?

Squid: You'll see

I looked over at the fridge where Squid was looking, but I noticed something in the window next to the fridge. I quickly ran over to the window and pulled down the blinds, just as the fridge door opened and hit me in the back.

Stampy: Ow, what was that for?

I looked over to squid who hadn't moved an inch from where he was.

Stampy: You're over there, how did you, you opened that right?

Squid: Yea-

I started hearing loud pounding on the door and looked through the keyhole. Of course it was the weird girl from the figment of my imagination.


Sorry for posting two hours late 😞

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