CHAPTER 13 - Forgetting

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Chapter 13 – Forgetting

Squid’s POV

            I could feel my heart beating as I picked up the note, it read: I’m getting breakfast at a coffee shop, I’ll be home at ten - Stampy. I turned my head to face the clock, and looked at it, as if it were ball being thrown to me at a fast pace. 9:58. He’s supposed to be back in two minutes, but he usually gets to places early—he should be back now! Where is he? Ugh, why do Chazza and Mika do this to our lives! Can’t they just go back to their home in hell? I’ll have to find Stampy.

            I ran outside, not caring at all that I’m only in my pajamas, but then hit a tall, lean person. “Woah, Squid, what are you doing outside?” Stampy said, muffling his loud laugh. “You’re ok?” I said with concern. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Stampy said, as if he was completely oblivious to what happened to the last person who left a note on the counter. I saw a small, blue Toyota—in front of our house—begin to drive away. He started walking up to the door and took out his keys, not even noticing how scared I had been. “I dunno, maybe because the last someone left a note on the counter, they had a needle be put through them!” I said, reminding Stampy in an angry tone. Stampy put his head back and sighed for a moment, then turned to me, “Relax, Squid,” he said, “I’m fine, you’re fine, so we’re all fine and there’s nothing to worry about”. Stampy fiddled with the keys a bit in the keyhole, and then shoved the door open.

            “Fine? We’re all fine?! D-does see-seeing a girl—hallucinating, mean we’re fine?! Does me being able to-to,” I could barely get words out trying to describe how we’re not fine, “move objects without touching them mean I’m FINE?!”. Stampy wiped his cheek as if I’d spit on him. He then balled up his fists and spread out his fingers, like his hands were wet and he was flicking water at me, or if he had some magical dust and he threw it on me to make everything fine. “Poof”, Stampy said, as if our lives were as simple as that, “it’s over now. Nothing is going on right at this very moment in time. As of now, the only thing that is happening is the Earth’s orbit; nothing else. If nothing is happening, there should be no fretting, or else we’d be wasting our emotions on nothing. We should be using them on important things happening as of now, right now. Not what happens tomorrow, or what happened yesterday, right now”.

            Stampy put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me like he was a teacher who was trying to get his student to understand something. I shrugged off his hands and said, “I guess I wasted a bunch of time studying for all those tests in grade school”. Stampy’s laugh filled the room and hung there for a second, along with his smile. “Well,” Stampy said clapping his hands, “the “Quest to…whatever we’re doing today isn’t going to film itself”. Stampy turned and walked upstairs, hopping on each step. I observed him as he did, something seemed different about him.

            “Are you sure you’re ok Stampy?”, I asked, scrunching up my face. “Are you sure you’re ok? It looks like you’ve just eaten a warhead”, Stampy said, not even looking at me. “How do you know I look like that right now?”, I said, even more confused about Stampy. He stopped jumping up the stairs and turned to face me. “Because you always look like that when you’re confused or you just don’t understand something”, Stampy stated. “Well, you seem different. One second you’re singing a “Hula Hoop” song, the next you sound like you could preach at a church”, I said, maintaining my warhead face. “Well, I’m just happy that— ”

            “Squid!”, Amy budded in, “Chazza and Mika left so all of your…stuff going on with them will be over now”

            “When did you find out that they were leaving?”

            “They texted me this morning, I texted Stampy because he wasn’t here, but you were asleep so I didn’t get to tell you yet”, Amy exclaimed, “Now you can go and returned back to “normal” lives”. “Yup, and we’ve got to record a video right now Squid so c’mon!” Stampy told me. “I think I’m gonna eat breakfast first”, I said, turning to the pantry. Stampy nodded and walked up to his room. I went and got out some cereal and a bowl, as Amy came up behind me and hugged me. “I’m glad whatever was going on with you is over now—now you can be stress free!” Amy said, letting go of me and walking upstairs.

Stampy’s POV

            When I walked upstairs, I heard my computer ringing, and I smile spread across my face. I clicked answer on the skype call and made sure my unrestrainable hair looked ok. I heard someone giggling on the other line at me making sure my hair was ok; I gave in and started laughing ridiculously loudly, which made them laugh even more. “Your laugh is so adorable!” she said, still laughing. “No, it’s quiet and sophisticated”, I said, crossing my arms. “Yeah, ok”, she said, through laughs, “I don’t even know why you bother with your hair”. I blushed a bit, because the reason I was making sure my hair looked ok, was that I would look good for her.






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