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Expensive was the first word Ashley thought of. The restaurant was one of the poshest (if that was even a word) she had ever been to. So for a blind date, it made her wonder what sort of person she was meeting, considering there was a very strict dress code just to get in. She remembered what the restaurant website had said when Talia; her friend who set her up on the date, made her research the place prior.

So that was the reason Ashley Jackson found herself dressed in a navy blue dress, which stopped just a little way past her knees; an item of clothing she would never wear. Her auban hair had been, with a little help from Talia, styled to make it sit straight instead of its usual wild, frizzy, curled at odd angles style.

On her feet were black heeled shoes, which were already aching even though she had only walked from her house to the taxi then to the restaurant. The heels were the smallest she could find since she wasn't used to wearing them at all. However, the dress code declared it so she, unfortunately, had to wear them.

''Would you like anything to drink Ma'am?'' One of the many waiters approached her table. His gold name tag read Joe in swirly black italic writing and was pinned to his black waistcoat. The waistcoat covered the plain, white, long-sleeved shirt he wore; which was tucked inside a pair of straight, black trousers that stopped to rest at the top of his black, leather shoes.

''No thank you, the water is fine for now,'' she replied, with a polite smile.

So with a nod of his head, the waiter moved away and went to check on one of the various couples dotted around the room.

With the waiter gone Ashley poured herself a second glass of water from the pre-provided jug that had been at the table when she had sat down. Taking  a sip she allowed her eyes to wander around the room. The restaurant seemed to be a hot spot for romantic nights because each table her blue eyes focused on a couple sat looking all lovey-dovey at each other. That look was something she hadn't felt with someone in a long time. Although, to her it wasn't exactly something she wanted.

She looked away from all the happy couples and glanced down at the watch on her wrist. She had arrived early, meaning now her date was officially late and Ashley had the rule of waiting fifteen minutes before she would leave. Which meant her fifteen minutes of waiting had begun. Five minutes into that wait, two couples had sat down and ordered, while two others had paid and left.

Then something happened that warmed her heart, a male couple had been sat enjoying their meal when one, without warning stood up from his chair and proceeded to kneel down on one knee. Ashley didn't need to hear what had been said because once the silence had ceased it was immediately followed by a chorus of clapping; she joined in a smile gracing her lips.

Then five minutes later the chair opposite where she sat at the table was pulled back and occupied finally by her mystery date.

''Sorry I'm late. I hope I haven't kept you waiting long,'' he apologised as he waved one of the waiters over to fill his glass.

''No, it's fine,'' she lied bitting on her lip. She was beyond nervous, it had been an extremely long time since she had gone on a date with someone and her nerves were finally getting to her.

Her date just nodded his head and allowed his eyes to fall down to the menu in front of him. His name was Jason and Ashley had only ever seen the pictures of him that Talia had shown her. Him looking exactly like the pictures she had seen put her mind at ease, reassuring her that every good thing Talia had said about him was hopefully true.

''I never thought I would ever go on a date was the infamous AJ,'' Ashley internally cringed at what he had just called her, it was a name many of the public knew her by, but hardly anyone she actually knew used it.

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