Bad Guy

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I forgot to say I've just started college, like yesterday, so updates may possibly slow down.

Also just a warning Alonzo gets a tad violent.

Anyway thank u for the comments and votes I appreciate it and here's the chapter 💕

''Are you fucking kidding me,'' Alonzo shouted, he was furious, his face was red with anger. He had been trying to think of the best time to tell her what he actually did, but it seemed it wasn't the biggest problem of the night.

''Alonzo,'' she whispered, struggling against him as he held her shoulders down, so she couldn't move up from the bed.

''Oh so now you know my name?'' He spat. The spit catching her in the face.

''I'm sorry, I...'' However, he prevented the words from coming out of her mouth, his hand latching onto her throat, '''' she tried to say stop, but he didn't.

''No this is your fucking fault bitch,'' he hissed, ''this wouldn't be happening if you didn't have such a weird fucking relationship with Marshall. When was the last time because I ain't stupid.''

''T...Two y...years ago,'' she spluttered, coughing as his grip loosened, but only a little.

''And you're still hung up on him. Fuck this,'' he let go of her. Ashely took long deep breaths, the tears falling down her cheeks.

''Please, no!'' She screamed as he picked up the photo frame containing her wedding photo. She shielded her face with her arms as he threw it at her, the glass shattered, her arms taking the full effects from the broken glass.

''Use the rest next time you wanna try and kill yourself,'' Alonzo shouted, he'd gotten dressed by now, the slam of her bedroom door signalling his exit.

Ashley screamed, blood was running down her arms and face as a result of the broken glass, parts of which were still embedded in her skin. She didn't know what to do. The only thing she could do was pick up her phone from the nightstand dialling the first number she could.


''At the airport?'' Jamie stated, asking for confirmation. Marshall was telling him how his mum had met him. However, the question got lost in transition as his phone begun to ring.

''Who is it?'' Marshall asked, watching the teenagers face change into that of confusion.

''It's mom,'' Jamie replied pressing the receive button and raising his phone up to his ear, ''mom?'' he asked.

''I need you, Marshall and possibly an ambulance,'' the strain in her voice gave it away that she was in some sort of distress.

''Mom, what's wrong?''

''Please don't ask questions right now,'' the authority in her tone was lost as Jamie heard her cry out in pain, ''I just need you,'' Jamie then hung up telling her they were on their way.

''What's up?'' Marshall asked as he watched the colour drain away from his Godson's face.

''Mom needs us and maybe an ambulance.''

''What the fuck,'' Marshall exclaimed grabbing the nearest set of car keys to him, ''get in the car,'' Jamie didn't need telling twice.

The two were silent as they took the 30-second drive from Marshall's house over to Ash's. The first thing they noticed was the front door, it hadn't been closed probably, which had allowed it to sway open in the light breeze. The second thing both of them noticed was that a vase that stood in the entryway had been knocked over, the ceramic shell scattered in chunks across the floor.

''Ashley,'' Marshall shouted feeling more and more uneasy. Another point crossed his mind, where the fuck was Alonzo.

''Upstairs, Jamie doesn't come up,'' Ashley's faint voice could just be about heard. the distance told Marshall that she was in her bedroom.

''You heard your mom, stay down here,'' he turned to look sternly at the young boy, as he tried to make a move to follow him.

''But...'' Jamie tried to protest, but the stare he got made him stay put and instead he said, ''I'll clean this up.''

Which left Marshall to venture upstairs on his own. He didn't know what he'd find. He was afraid of what he would find since she hadn't wanted Jamie to see her.

''Ash,'' his voice was soft upon entering her bedroom.

His eyes widened at the sight before him, it was one he didn't think he'd ever see. Ashely was sat upright in her bed, a t-shirt pulled haphazardly over her body. That, however, was not what he focused on; he focused on the fact that there was blood from tiny cuts on her face and arms, as she tried desperately to use (he hoped) an old T-shirt to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.

''What the fuck happened?'' He kept his voice as calm as he possibly could, but in reality, he wanted to rip someone's head off.

''He threw my wedding photo at me,'' she winced as he took the old shirt applying pressure to her himself.

''I'ma kill that motherfucker?'' He cursed out while allowing her to lean on him, ''I never thought I'd see you covered in your own blood again,'' he whispered lowly to her.

''I know,'' she chocked out, fresh tears running down her face, '' there are still shards in my skin, there on arms and face. I think we gotta go to the hospital.''

''I'll take you when the bleeding stops ok,'' she nodded, a silence consumed them. Marshall continued to apply pressure, while she tried to keep her breathing slow and even to stop herself from fainting.

''What else did he do to you and more importantly why?'' the worst of the bleeding had stopped, a few cuts still trickled with blood.

''I said something I shouldn't have,'' she gestured to her neck, not wanting to say he'd tried to strangle her.

''He a dead man walking Ash,'' Marshall mumbled out. He didn't want to ask about what she'd said because if she wanted him to know she would have said, ''you still got camera's right?''

''Er yeah,'' she replied. He had helped her stand up from the bed, giving her a pair of jeans to put on; which had been dropped on one of the chairs in the room.

''Good, cause we got evidence.''

''Yeah,'' she muttered following him out of the room once she had changed.


It was extremely late by the time the three of them arrived at the hospital and for some strange reason, it was also fairly quiet. The whole journey over Jamie was silent, Ashley said she would explain what happened when they got home. However, it didn't stop him from working out that it had been Alonzo that had hurt his mom and for that, he was more than angry.

''If you could just hold still please Mrs Calderon,'' the Doctor treating her spoke as he gently drew out the small shards of glass that had embedded themselves in her skin.

''Whoa, Whoa. Calderon, she's Jackson,'' Marshall told the Doctor before then directing his speech towards Ashley, ''you said you changed your name back.''

''Can we not talk about this now,'' she replied wincing as a glass fragment was pulled out from just above her eyebrow.

''Does it matter if she still has my dad's name,'' Jamie snapped out, he was still mad at Alonzo.

''No,'' Ashely answered.

''Yes,'' Marshall said at the same time as her no.

''What?'' They finished in unison.

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