Here We Go Again

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''Where the fuck is it?'' The sudden shout radiating throughout the house made Marshall leap up from his position on the sofa. He'd been looking after Ashely all day and the lack of sleep from the night before must have caught up with him as he'd nearly drifted off to sleep until Ash's shout jolted him awake and back to reality.

Causitly he made his way towards where the shout had come from. The banging of cupboard doors and draws also gave him a big clue as to where she was too.

Upon entering the kitchen he found Ashley throwing a towel half way across the floor before she rested her palms on the edge of the sink to catch her breath. Slowly, he approached behind her putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, she hadn't anticipated the moment so the moment he touched her she whipped around shoving him away.

''Marshall,'' she exclaimed placing her hand over her mouth, '' I'm sorry I didn't...''

''It's fine, but you're not. What's wrong?'' He asked. Ashley breathed in and out heavily before turning away from him a back to her position at the sink. She looked out the window for a few seconds to compose herself before turning back towards him again.

''I can't find any of my pens. I wanted to write Jamie's birthday card before I forgot, but I can't find anything to bloody write it with,'' she huffed and when Marshall started to laugh she huffed louder.

''Is that what you were getting pissy at. Not being able to find a fucking pen. Seriously Ash, what is up with you today? First, you're up all night throwing up, then you're crying after I make breakfast and now your angry after not finding a pen,'' saying it out loud made something click in the back of Marshall's brain. He was sure all those connected in one way or another, but at that precise moment in time the pieces weren't fitting together at all.

''I'm just having one of those days. Plus I stopped feeling sick a while ago. Oh, look the pen I was after,'' Ashley darted around Marshall grabbing a ballpoint pen that was resting on the top of the cheeseboard. How it got there she wasn't sure, but she was happy she'd found it.

''You good now?'' Marshall asked as he watched her scribble a message inside Jamie's card before putting the flap inside the envelope to secure the card inside.

''Yep, kinda hungry though'' she admitted getting up from her seat again to rifle around the kitchen to find something she felt like eating, ''Marshall are there any strawberries in the fridge?'' She asked.

''I don't know. Why do you want strawberries? Why not just make a sandwich or something?'' Marshall pointed out.

''But I want Strawberries," she whined,"please can you check and see. If not check your fridge,'' Ashely pleaded looking over at him.

Slightly confused by the request, Marshall shrugged and turned towards the fridge to check if there were any inside. Once he'd opened it he caught the time that was on is a watch, three in the afternoon and Ashley wanted strawberries. The last time she'd wanted something so desperately was when...


''What are there not any,'' Ashley asked thinking the curse was before he hadn't found any strawberries.

''Yeah there are. Look do you mind if I got out real quick, I wanna just check the guys got my voicemails and their not at the studio wondering where we are,'' he knew it was a lame excuse, but he needed a way to leave without just straight out taking off.

''Um ok, oh maybe you could get some more strawberries too, there don't look like there's a lot in here,'' Ashley spoke, not suspecting the reason for being a little strange at all. He'd expected her to come back at him with something like 'wouldn't they call you,' or 'I'll come with you.' Thankfully for him, she hadn't.

''Yeah sure, I'll see you later. Call if you need anything,'' Ashley nodded as they met for a quick kiss before he left her alone with the seven strawberries that had been left in the fridge.


The first thing Marshall did when he got in the car was call Denaun. He was always someone who had good advise, plus Marshall hoped he'd come with him to where he wanted to go.

''Sup man, how's Ash?'' Denaun answered the phone straight away.

''Yeah she's fine I think. Look can I come and pick you up? I need to go somewhere and I wanna make sure I'm going to be getting the right thing,'' there was a brief silence on the other end of the phone before his friend finally answered.

''Um sure I'm at home, but you better explain in more detail when you do.''

''Yeah I will,'' Marshall replied, ending the call swiftly after before finally pulling out of Ashley's driveway and to where Denaun was.


It didn't take long for Marshall to reach Denaun's house. The man was already outside the door when Marshall approached, which gave Marshall less time to compose himself for what he was about to tell his friend. Denaun slid into the passenger and secured the seatbelt over himself before turning towards Marshall, His expression said it all he wanted to know what Marshall was doing and why since he's said he was spending the whole day looking after Ashley while she was being sick.

''I need you to help me get a pregnancy test and strawberries,'' Marshall spits out as if it was something you'd go to the shops for every week.

''Wait for what? Is Ash pregnant and why the fuck you asking me?''

''You remember last time when Arthur wanted me to get a pregnancy test and I had no fucking clue what to do,'' Denaun nodded slowly already knowing what else he was going to say, '' and you came with me and got the right one.

''So you want me to help you again?'' He asked making sure he understood what Marshall was asking him to do.

''Yep,'' Marshall replied with a small grin as Denaun nodded, while running his hands down his face giving out a small sigh as he did so.

"I'm guessing Ash has no idea you're doing this?" He then asked after a small silence.

"You would be correct."

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