Feeling Sorry

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Ashley stepped off the plane and breathed in the rush of fresh air that hit her, filling her lungs with air that hadn't been floating around the same space for hours. Hugging her coat closer to her she descended the steps, Marshall was next to her making sure she didn't fall, he didn't want an accident to occur now of all the days especially since she was getting bigger by the day, and her cravings were becoming weirder by the second too.

''So what are we gonna do first?'' Marshall asked his hand firmly wrapped around Ashley's waist as they made their way over to the car that had been waiting for them. Two members of security were already loading their cases in the back.

''Well we need to go to the hotel room first,'' she replied, placing her head on his shoulder, so she could look up at him.

''Yeah why's that you finally craving something other than food,'' he winked as she giggled.

''Yeah a nap on a comfy bed without you trying to talk to me. That's what I'm craving right now,'' she wriggled out of his grip, leaving him behind to stare at her as she went to seat herself in the car.

Sliding in next to her, Marshall noticed her lips twitch in a way that meant she was trying extremely hard not to break down in laughter. Although a part of him did know that most of what she had said was true because she'd been complaining on the flight about how uncomfortable the chairs were and how she couldn't even bring herself to close her eyes for a nap. The other part of him didn't want her to just spend the rest of the day asleep he wanted to explore even if it was just a little down the street from the hotel.

''I got a better idea, Ash, just here me out,'' he added, seeing the sceptical look falling across her face.

''I'm listening,'' she'd managed to compose herself so now that her lip stopped quivering and she wasn't going to fall about giggling.

''How about before you take that nap, I might add rather rudely without me. We could have a little stroll, ya know take in the city a little,'' he shrugged leaning back in the seat as the driver finally pulled away.Ashley mulled over his words for a second, she was really tired and not being able to sleep on the plane had really left her feeling more exhausted. However, the thought of a little romantic walk in the fresh air swayed her a little.

''Ok on one condition,'' Ashley held her finger up symboling to Marshall that she wasn't finished, ''We order whatever I want for breakfast in the morning.''

''Fine,'' he huffed, ''just don't make it anything weird please,'' he pleaded his eyes begging her to at least take in what he had said.

''Weird? what do you mean weird? there's nothing weird about what I eat.''

''Fries and bacon in a sandwich Ash. That's all I'm saying,'' Marshall pointed out, raising an eyebrow as she started to glare at him.

''You only think it's weird because you've never tried it, Jamie seems to love it and I'm sure I've given it to all your daughters at some point. So you're the weird one here Marsh,'' Ashley remarked leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

''Yeah well, you don't like Coke so fuck you.''

''Maybe later, right nows a little too public,'' Ashley patted his chest before leaning her head on his arm, which he then moved so she could snuggle closer to him.

''Imma hold you to that.''


''Whoa, whoa Sarah calm down what happened,'' Marshall frowned glancing over at the time, they'd just got back from their walk when Ashley's phone wouldn't stop ringing. He grew a tad concerned as he heard Sarah's name being said.

''Just make sure you stay with him ok. I managed to get a meeting with the principal the day after Marshall and I return, perhaps he should stay at home until then,'' Jamie, Marshall realised that was the only person that could be being discussed. Waving his hand he signalled for Ashley to put her phone on speaker, to which she did.

''And miss out on his education Ashley it's important he finishes high school,'' Sarah remarked from the other side of the phone.

''Is it though,'' Marshall muttered.

''Yes,'' his comment caused the word to echo around the room as both women shouted it at him.

''Ok, ok Jamie finishes high school got it,'' he raised his hands in the air in surrender, while Ashley glared at him from her position perched on the end of the bed, the phone laying in the palm of her hand.

''Anyway, what I was going to say is that Jamie's teachers give him work to complete so that when he goes back, he wouldn't have missed anything,'' Ashley explained biting the thumb on her free hand as she waited for Sarah's response.

''I think that could work oh and I'm going to keep him round mine. Having him in that big old house of your's Marshall won't do the boy any good, he's already got nobody at school at the moment. He doesn't need nobody to be at home with also,'' Ashley totally agreed with that and Marshall found himself nodding along, even though he knew Sarah couldn't see him.

''I think that's a good idea, don't forget to collect Lizzy too,'' Ashley added. Then it wasn't long until the three of them were saying their goodbyes and Ashley hung up.

Sighing Ashley set her phone down on the nightstand before slumping down on the bed laying on her back, with one hand falling lazily across her stomach. Marshall a little cautiously came to lay next to her, his fingers finding there way into her hair. She hummed in content for a while as he continued to stroke her hair. Although, eventually the humming turned into sobbing.

"Hey don't cry, please," Marshall cooed as he brought his arms around her, pulling her closer so that her head lay on his chest.

"I can't help it," Ashley chocked as she haphazardly wipes her eyes with the palms of her hands, "Why is everything going so badly? I mean Jamie getting bullied and then lashing out. The trail which I'm trying so damn hard not to think about. Then to top it all off I've gotta carry a baby or babies around for another seven months," Ashley groaned as she tried to sit up, but Marshall stopped her by gently pulling her back down.

"How about we take that nap now. Unfortunately, you gotta deal with me, "Marshall spoke keeping his voice soft, while his left hand stroked her hair in hopes of calming her down.

"That... that sounds good," she gulped trying to compose herself as she went to change out of the clothes she was wearing; replacing them with a pair of pyjama bottoms and a loss fitting vest. Marshall on the other hand, just stripped down to his boxes before diving under the duvet to wait for Ashley.

Once under, Marshall's arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly to him. He wanted her to feel safe and secure. The only way he could think of achieving that right at that moment was told hold her and never let her go.

"I Love you, Marsh," he smiled when Ashley uttered those words. He returned the affection by placing a couple of open-mouthed kisses on her shoulder. Only then did he find her to be finally content as her light breathing replaced her tears.

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