Nowhere Fast

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Marshall burst out of the designer's store looking frantically around for any sight of Ashley, but he didn't see any, not even a glimpse of her bright hair, ''Fuck,'' he swore, having no idea where she could possibly have gone.

With her nowhere in sight, the next thing he needed was a ride. They'd come in Talia's car, and there was no way he was going to get in a car with her. He was also very much aware that she wouldn't want to get in a car with him either. So his only option was to call Denaun hoping he would be available and able to help him out.

''What's up?'' Denaun answered right away much to Marshall's relief.

''I need you to pick me up, something happened with Ash and Talia. Ashley stormed out, I have no idea where's she's gone, plus I don't have a car,'' Marshall explained as simply as he could, he'd tell Denaun the full story later, but at that precise moment, he needed to find Ashley.

''Ok man I'll be right over what's the address?'' Marshall let out a deep breath, thankful for his friend, before then proceeding to tell him the address.

Around fifteen minutes later (Denaun having no problem with traffic) arrived to pick Marshall up, who hurriedly climbed into the passenger seat. He allowed Denaun to pull out of the car park before he started to figure out where Ashley could have gone.

''You came from the Studio right?'' Marshall asked.

''Yeah saw no sign of Ash or a taxi there,'' Denaun confirmed, he too was trying to think of where Ash could have gone. Both men had the same problem, neither of them had seen her upset or angry in a long time till the point where's she'd walked out unless you count the newspaper incident.

''Let's just go see Arthur, maybe she went to him like she did the other time,'' Marshall suggested. With no clue himself, Denaun just nodded and headed in the direction of the cemetery.

''This ain't the one Proof is at is it?'' Denaun asked, he'd, of course, visited DeShaun's grave many a time, but the cemetery they had parked at didn't seem familiar to him.

''No, we buried them at different ones for some reason,'' Marshall answered slamming the car door shut behind him, '' let's just see if she's here,'' the both of them walked towards Arthur's grave in silence, the only sound coming from the gravel as their shoes hit the ground.

''Fuck she's not here,'' they'd reached his stone, no Ash leaning in front of it. However, a fresh bunch of Lillies rested at the front of it, looking as if they'd only just recently been put there.

''Looks like we just missed her,'' Denaun stated, noticing the flowers for himself.

''How?'' Marshall muttered more to himself, perplexed as it where Ashley could have gone after visiting Arthur.

''Yo Art give us a clue to finding your wife. We'd really appreciate it,'' Deanaun spoke taking the cap he wore on his head and placing it by the Lillies.

Moments later Marshall's phone rung, he dug it out looking at the caller ID. It read 'Jamie.' He frowned, why was Jamie ringing him, he looked over at Denaun, who had seen the name also, he  just shrugged as Marshall slid the receiver across.

''Marshall I just got a text from mom,'' Marshall held his breath awaiting the rest of his godson's response, hoping he's give a clue to his mother's whereabouts, ''she told me I'm staying with Whit and Hallie at Kim's tonight, do you know why?''

''What? No can't you ask her?'' He posed the question, praying that Ashley would explain it to him and possibly give a hint as to where she was.

''I did she said it'll only be for tonight and told me not to worry, but I'm worried Marshall because you don't know why and you always know why,'' he felt helpless listening to Jamie on the phone. The boy was worried about his mom and truth be told Marshall was worried about her too, but he had to reassure him didn't he, it was for the best.

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