Told you so

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Ashley had no idea how Marshall had managed it, but she wouldn't have been surprised if there were still Paparazzi hidden away somewhere. It was their last day alone before they flew back to Detroit and back to normal life.

Marshall had decided he wanted to have a least one date with Ashley, so he'd got Paul to organise a sort of picnic in the park. Ashley was a little more sceptical, not wanting the media to see them at all together romantically yet, meaning the date didn't start the way Marshall had intended.

''Ash trust me nobody's around, plus it's not like it's going to be a massive story if we're seen together,'' Marshall tried to reason with her since he felt like there was an entire country between them as they sat on the grass.

''It will be if we're caught all cuddled up Marshall. I'm pretty sure friends don't do that,'' Ashley pointed out and Marshall rolled his eyes inching his body closer to her.

''Who gives a shit,'' Ashley squealed as Marshall literally launched himself at her causing them to roll a little down the hill they'd set up at.

''You obviously don't,'' she giggled as he nuzzled into her neck, nipping at it slightly.

''What gave you that idea?'' He gave her a little smile as he sat up to lay down next to her.

''I don't know maybe it was the fact you nearly squashed me to death just for a hug,'' Ashley laughed turning on her side to kiss him on the cheek. She then sat up before making her way back towards where they had been originally, pulling out two cans of diet coke from the little basket.

''Come on if you wanna cuddle you gotta get back up here Marsh,'' Marshall shook his head, getting up himself to sit back next to Ashley. Slinging his arm around her as he took the second can from her outstretched hand.

''See what was the worry,'' he commented taking a gulp from the just opened can.

''If there's a picture of us all over the place tomorrow I'll strangle you,'' Ashley bit out.

''Kinky,'' Marshall replied bluntly, not taking the smirk off his face.

''I hate you so much,'' she retorted, shoving him lightly in the shoulder, but just enough that he went tumbling back down the hill.

''I thought ya loved me, bitch,'' he yelled from his position on the grass. The remnants of his drink being soaked up by the grass. Ashley just laughed, while trying to pull him back up.

''Jesus you're heavy, you putting on a little weight or something,'' Ashley teased giving up on trying to pull him up.

''Fuck you, you're just weak,'' Marshall defended.

Then next thing Ashley knew was that when she had turned to walk away, Marshall had sat up and thrown his hand out to clamp around her foot, pulling her down so she lay on the grass next to yet again. She would have laughed, but the flash from the bushes opposite them, made her sit bolt upright. Marshall hadn't seen the flash, but the change in Ash's body language was enough to tell him that something was wrong.

''Ash's whats...'' He didn't get to finish before she got back on her feet moving over to where the picnic had been laid. He watched in confusion as she started to pack up, ''Ash,'' he called out to her, but she seemed to ignore him. Very much confused he got up himself and approached her cautiously, trying to figure out what was wrong.

''I told you we were going to get caught and you didn't listen to me,'' Ashley ground out through gritted teeth.

''What are you talking about, there ain't anyone here. Look at me,'' but she didn't instead she took ahold of the basket they'd brought with them, making her way back to where the car was parked waiting for them.

Marshall huffed following behind, knowing that he wasn't going to get a straight answer from her until she stopped walking away from him and stopped. It was when they got to where the car was parked that Marshall realised that Ashley was right because as he looked back he saw the distinctive glint of a camera light coming from somewhere in the bushes.

''Fucking stalkers,'' he yelled raising his middle finger and just as he thought, another flash came.


''I'm not angry with you Marshall, I just. It was a perfect date, but...'' Marshall cut her off pulling her into a loving hug. He knew what she was trying to say.

They had gone straight back to the hotel, the car ride back had been silent. Marshall hadn't wanted to say anything just in case he said the wrong word. He could tell by the look in her eyes that Ashley had been upset and he couldn't help but blame himself. He hadn't made sure they wouldn't be spotted, instead, he'd just gone on a whim. It made him realise that it wasn't like Detroit, where they could go out and not be bothered by anybody, it was different, much different in New York.

''I'm going to call Jamie, tell him about us before the picture comes out,'' Ashley stated, delving into her bag to pull out her phone,'' you ready?'' Marshall nodded and they both waited as the phone rung. Seconds later Jamie's voice filled the speaker.

''Hey mom, what you calling for. I haven't done anything,'' the quickness of trying to defend himself over no accusations made Ashley laugh.

''Um I've. Well, actually Marshall and I have something to tell you,'' she took a deep breath, although she wasn't sure why she was so nervous over it all.

''We wanted to tell you before you saw anything,'' Marshall added.

''Saw what? What have you two done, oh god are you in trouble.''

''Why is that your first thought Jamie?'' Ashley asked, subconsciously wanting to delay the news as much as possible.

''I don't know, just seems like a well-educated guess, to be honest,'' she could practically see her son shrugging his shoulders.

''We're not in trouble, we're just dating,'' Ashley commended the way Marshall was able to sneak the news in.

''Wait are you serious, you two. Like my mom and a guy who a look at like a father, together for real,'' Jamie explained his voice getting higher due to the excitement in his voice.

''Yeah and you're ok with that right?'' Ashley asked, making sure.

''Hell yeah,'' there was a huge sigh of relief from both Marshall and Ashley.

Although the next part they needed to think about was what would happen when those photos got out into the world.

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