Rainy days

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Ashley and Marshall have booked a holiday to England; Marshall hopes it'll help with the stress she is under due to Jasons trial and her pregnancy
While Jamie is still having trouble at school despite Ashleys intervention when he came home with serious physical injures.

And Now

''If you need anything, you can always call...''

''Kim, Sarah, Hallie, Alania, Paul, Denaun or Royce. I know I got it, just go and relax,'' Ashley started at her son as he quite literally took the words right out of her mouth. She hated leaving him alone when she went with Marshall to his shows; this was different because she was going on holiday instead and leaving Jamie behind just felt unfair.

''I love you,'' she sighed pulling him in for a hug, ''and take good care of Lizzy,'' Jamie rolled his eyes, his mother catching him giving him a hard gaze as she stared at him, ''and be careful at school too.''

''Mom I'll be fine,'' he huffed waving her off, ''I'll see you in a week, you too Marshall,'' he lifted a hand to him, which was returned.

And so Jamie watched for the porch as his mom disappeared into the distance, leaving him in a big house all alone for a week. He'd wanted them to stay or have him go with them at least, but he knew if he'd started to beg and complain, his mom would dig deeper and find the real truth behind his desperation. It was bad enough that Kim was close to finding out what was happening at school, he hated the thought of his mother knowing too.

The next day

''Right I'll see you two later ok,'' Jamie and Whitney grumbled in response as Kim dropped them off, ''Oh and Jamie if you wanna stay

round anytime this week I'm good with that,'' she added as he started to climb out of the car.

''Er thanks, I might not tonight though,'' she nodded letting him leave before pulling away from the curb.

Jamie didn't bother waving as he watched Kim pull away, not that he did anyway. Instead, he shrugged his bag off his back a removed the overhead headphones had placed inside; connecting them to his phone he blurred out the noise of the rest of the school as he made his way inside.

His first lesson was English, he sat at the back of the class and so he felt secure. The characters of 'Romeo and Juliet,' were displayed on a sheet in front of him and by the end of the class, he was the only one who had finished the sheet. Placing it on the teacher's desk he left without a word despite the protest from the teacher who'd wanted to speak to him.

Second and third periods were good too, he had no distractions and hadn't come across Jason's son or Tom yet. However, when lunch whirled around it was a whole different story. Jamie sat by himself at one of the tables near the corner of the room, but that didn't stop them from seeing him.

''Yo Jamie, explain to me how your mom just goes from one guy to the next I mean that's pretty fucked up especially when the guy ends up...''

''Hey why don't you fuck off I shove ya nose in somebody else's business for once Craig, your mom stands on street corners begging for a fuck,'' Craig grumbled an insult under his breath before he took his tray and wandered off.

''Whit what the fuck was that,'' Whitney just shrugged as she placed her tray down in on the table before swinging her leg over the bench to sit down.

''Just helping my brother out,'' she added opening her packed lunch, causing Jamie to raise an eyebrow.

''Ok then what are you doing?'' He gestured towards her and the table.

''Having my lunch, duh,'' she took a swig from her bottle of orange juice as just continued to stare at her.

''I don't need you pitting me whit,'' he grumbled.

''Jamie I'm not I'm just...''

''Worried about me like every other fucking damn person in our crazy family,'' he seethed his voice a little louder than he had expected it to be.

''Whoa Jammy calm down bro, you gonna flip the table next man,'' Tom's snarky comment from behind him was the teens final straw.

''Fuck you bitch,'' he screamed, Whitney screamed as Jamie's fist connected with Tom's face, a sickening crunch followed as Tom pulled back clutching his nose.

''Jamie the principles office now and Tom go get yourself cleaned up by the nurse,'' the voice of the vice principle bellowed across the canteen.

Without another word, Jamie grabbed his backpack from underneath the table to make his way out of the canteen. He was stopped, however, by a hand gripping his shoulder.

''Jamie,'' the voice whispered, ''you...''

''Just leave it, Whitney,'' he pulled his arm from her grip and left her to stare after him.

Tom wasn't permitted to be near Jamie so he sat alone in outside the Principles office alone. His hand twisting in his lap as he tried to regain his composure. There was no way he school life could be kept a secret now, Whitney would say something and his mom would be told. He could only imagine the disappointment on her face when she found out.

''Mr Calderon, please come in,'' Principle Bank held the door open for the teenager who with slumped shoulders passed him and slumped into the chair opposite the desk.

''I assume...'' he began, but he was quickly interrupted.

''I haven't got the memory of a goldfish I know why I'm here,'' Jamie snapped, his eyes blinking as he watched the rain patter against the windows that stood behind Bank.

''Not entirly. I recently had a conversation with your mother not too long ago and...''

''She's worried about me, she's my mom that's her job.''

''Would you not interrupt me please,'' Jamie shrugged and Bank sighed before he continued, ''I think we need to look into your mental wellbeing Jamie because it's clear to me there are things happening inside your head that are affecting your education,'' Bank explained leaning over the table, his voice low as if he was telling some dark secret.

''I'll tell you whats affecting my education, the fact my boyfriend broke up with me and took all my friends. The son of the man who's on the trail for my dad's murder beat me up and Craig basically called my mom a slut. And worst of all you aren't gonna do shit about it,'' Principle Bank leant back in his chair a moved to pick up the phone to dial but paused before he pressed any buttons.

''Who would you like me to call to come and pick you up. I think we need to have a conversation with you and your mother together soon,'' Jamie mulled over his options for a second; he didn't feel like going to Kims, Paul'd just stress out about how Marshall would react, Denaun would just take him for ice cream, Royce had his own family to take care of and so the only option he had left was...

''Sarah, you can call Sarah.''

Ah Ashley and Marshall are back, well sort of this was all about Jamie, but anyway this stories back. I've had a bit of writers block for like four months for this story so I'm happy to share this with you guys after such a long time. I promise you won't have to wait as long for the next chapter. Thank you for your patience and sticking with me 💕

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