Something They Need

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The whole group stared at Tara in shock as she told us about Oceanside.

"They-They have guns," she said. "A lot of them. I saw it."

"What?" Daryl asked incredulously.

"That group. The women I met. They have an armory. They have guns."

I leaned forward. "Why didn't you tell us this before now?"

She looked at me. "I made a promise, Bree."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "Okay. So we go."

Rick waited a moment. "Alright, you heard her. Let's go."


We met up with Hilltop outside of Hilltop. I looked for my mom but didn't see her.

I walked over to Enid.

"My mom didn't come?" I asked her.

She tensed up. "Um, she-she decided to stay with Maggie."

I was suspicious but didn't wanna get into anything right now. "Okay then."

We travelled across a lake and followed Tara as she lead us to the community.

After getting Michonne high into a tree so she could protect us if she needed to, Rick took me aside.

"Since Tara's gonna go in to talk to the leader, how about we split up the group half and half?"

I nodded. "Sure. Sounds good."

I took Aaron, Eric, Jesus, Carl, and Enid while Rick took everyone else.

Daryl and Jesus laid out bombs while Carl and I stayed on watch.

He looked over at me. "What are you thinking about?"

I sighed. "My mom. I'm scared that Enid was lying to me."

He nodded. "Even if she was, which I doubt, your mom is strong. No matter what, she can handle herself."

"Yeah," I whispered. "I guess so."


A half an hour went by with nothing happening. I covered my ears as the bombs went off.

"Everyone move in!" I yelled. "Now!"

They all followed me into the community.

We came across a group of people trying to escape. We rose our guns.

"On the ground," I ordered. "Hands behind your head."

They gave me scared looks and I sighed. "We don't wanna hurt you. Do what I say and there won't be a problem."

They slowly sank down and we each grabbed one person and lead them to our planned rendezvous place.

I took a deep breath.

No matter what, we were taking their weapons. I just hoped they would agree to fight with us, too.

AN: hey sorry if this chap was short and a little confusing lol. i just really wanted to upload

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