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The next day Shen Wei was still at Yun Lan's house. And since he was up earlier, due to his sleeping schedule. He decided to make Yun Lan some breakfast. He was going to make some eggs with bacon. But as expected, Yun Lan didn't have the ingredients. Shen Wei sighed, slowly opened the door and walked to his own appartment.

He got the needed stuff and walked back to Yun Lan's appartment. At least that was a good thing about living opposite each other. It took about 20 minutes for him to finish. He had placed their food on the table, dimmed the light a bit and placed a candle in the middle of the table.

It was winter and it was very cold. Shen Wei shivered and wanted to turn on the heater, but a warm object was laid upon his shoulders. "Here", he heard a familiar voice say. "You should warm up a bit", the voice said. Shen Wei turned around to look up at Yun Lan. "Thanks", he smiled shyly.

"I made us some breakfast", Shen Wei told him. "I haven't eaten breakfast with someone in months", he stated excitedly. "I didn't know what you'd like so I decided to make some eggs with bacon", "don't worry about it Shen Wei, i'm not a difficult eater. And it looks very good".

They went to sit at the table, Yun Lan's jacket still wrapped around his shoulders. "I see you put a candle here", he miled smugly. "Y.. yeah. I did", he felt his cheecks getting hotter. Why'd he have to put one there. "Don't worry, it makes this even better".

They started eating, "oh my god, this", Yun Lan pointed at his food, " this is amazing. I swear, i need to invite you more". "I wouldn't complain", he said. Wait, did he just say that? Great. Yun Lan just chuckled.

They were eating, but got interrupted by a ringing noise. Yun Lan's phone went off. He picked it up "Zhu Hong, Yes, yes. Okay. I'll be right there". "There's a case. You want to join me?", he asked. "Well, I am your partner now, so I guess I have no choice".

"I don't know how to get there, since my car is still at the university", Shen Wei explained. "Don't worry, i have a motorcycle", he winked.

They started to get dressed and once they were finished, they came out of their appartments. "Well, let's go then", Yun Lan said. The other just nodded. They arrived at the parking lot, Shen Wei saw only one motorcycle parked, so it was definitely Yun Lan's. "Here", Yun Lan said while giving him a helmet. "Better be safe, I wouldn't want you to get hurt". Shen Wei nodded and accepted the helmet.

Once they both were ready Yun Lan got on his motorcycle. "I'm not so sure about this", Shen Wei told him. "You've never been on one before?", he asked. Shen Wei shook his head. "Okay then, just hold onto me. I'm a good driver, I wouldn't let anything happen to you", "okay", Shen Wei got on the motorcycle aswell. "Now, just give me your hands", Yun Lan told him. "Why?", "do you trust me?", "yes", "then just give them".

Shen Wei gave in and gave him his hands. His warm touch sent sparks of electricity through his body. He forgot how to breathe. He was pressed up against Yun Lan's back, he could smell his cologne. Yun Lan held his hands and even stroked his thumb over one of them. Yun Lan placed Shen Wei's hands on his stomach and held them there for a second. "Just hold me tight and trust me", was all he said.

He started to drive, Shen Wei let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. It was actually quite nice. The roads were silent and the weather was okay. Suddenly Yun Lan began to drive faster "what, why are you going so fast?", Shen Wei asked. Out of panick he clinged even further onto Yun Lan. Yun Lan patted his hand " it's okay, relax". Easier said then done.

Once they arrived at the case they were greeted by a young woman. "Yun Lan why'd you take so long? And who is he?", she asked pointing at Shen Wei. "Oh him", he said jokingly while they both got off the motorcycle. "He is my", he looked at Shen Wei, before looking back at the woman "my good friend", he finished smiling.

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