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Last night they went home, after going to the beach. Yun Lan slept on the couch, since it was his turn that night. Shen Wei slept in the comfortable bed, but still couldn't sleep. After the time he had woken up sweating and crying, he got more dreams like the one he had. But his gut told him it weren't just dreams, like it were memories, something he had been through. He ignored it and went to sleep.

This day he decided to get them some food, since Yun Lan had eaten most of it. Shen Wei took a shower, got dressed and took his bag. He opened the door of their room, said goodbye to Yun Lan and walked to the lobby. There he looked for a map, to see where the nearest supermarket was. It was about 20 minutes, not too long. He left the hotel and began to walk.

He didn't mind walking outside, even though it was still winter and it could be very slippery. But surprisingly it wasn't too cold, he could go outside without coat. He liked the outside air and all the animals that were there. He just loved it. It was relaxing, this way he could think. When he was younger he always went to the park, always did his school work there.

He was walking on the edge of the small mountain, since their hotel was located at the edge of one. He stood still and watched the beautiful scenery. An entire city in the distance, almost everything still covered in snow. There was snow, but it wasn't cold at all.

Suddenly Shen Wei felt like he got kicked in the stomach. "Ugh", he groaned. Well, great. He wanted to walk, but felt lightheaded. He groaned. "Come on Shen Wei, don't be a coward", he told himself. He looked around for something to sit on and found it. A small bench was located about 3 minutes away. He sighed and began walking.

On his way there he felt like he was being watched, but he decided to not give it any thought. He was about a minute away from the bench, when he got kicked to the ground. His face flat in the snow. He heard someone open his bag and ruffle around it to take the things he had, but Shen Wei turned around to look at the person. The person seemed to notice it and hit him in the face. And again and again and another kick in the stomach.

The man then took out a knife "where is it?!", he yelled. "Where's what?", Shen Wei asked while he almost choked on the blood in his mouth. "The fucking money", Shen Wei sighed and didn't say anything. Shen Wei was quite known to be rich around here and he had been threatened a lot of times, but this time he was already getting sick and he couldn't move a muscle.

The man then got angry and placed his knife on Shen Wei's arm. "Tell me where it is, each attempt i ask you and you don't answer, i'll cut", Shen Wei didn't answer. The man laughed "you're a tough one aren't you", and then he made a cut on his upper right arm. Shen Wei cried out. The man the took his collar in his hands. "I'll ask again, where is it", again Shen Wei didn't answer. He just laid there, letting the man do this to him.

He knew he wasn't able to fight back in this condition. He was sick. He had a stomach ache, his head hurt, he had a bleeding nose, lip and his left eye was turning into a bruise. His right arm had some cuts and the blood was pouring down into the snow.

The man cut a straight line on his face, right under his right eye. He felt the blood drip down his face and tasted it in his mouth. The man then kicked him again about 4 times in the stomach and hit him so many times he lost count. Shen Wei looked at the man again and saw that he was looking through his bag.

When he suddenly heard a noice from the other side, he turned his head and saw Yun Lan. "You motherfucker!", he heard Yun Lan shout. He saw him take out his gun. "You get the fuck out of my way and never come back to us again, I swear if you even lay a finger on this man again i will hunt you down,", the man raised his hands above his head and slowly walked the other direction. Once he was far enough he ran away. Yun Lan dropped his gun and ran towards Shen Wei.

Shen Wei's sight slowly began to fade away until he felt two hands on either sides of his face. "Shen Wei!", a familiar voice said. "Shen Wei please, open your eyes, it's me Yun Lan", at the mention of his name he opened his eyes. He saw that Yun Lan was close to tears. "What has he done to you?", he asked while a single tear escaped his eye.

He saw Yun Lan take off his coat and lay it to the side. "Let me help you up", he said. Shen Wei nodded. Yun Lan took his arms in his hands and helped him up, he then walked Shen Wei to the bench. He placed him on the bench.
He looked at Yun Lan, but one eye was almost closed. He saw Yun Lan cry, so he touched his arm as a gesture to not worry.

"How can I not worry!?", he suddenly yelled. Shen Wei was shocked at the sudden outburst, looking down. "I'm sorry Shen Wei, it's just, I don't wanna see you hurt. I just, can't deal with it. It makes me feel like I'm a horrible person for not being there to protect you", Yun Lan said while a few more tears left his eyes.

"It's not your fault", Shen Wei tried. Yun Lan just looked him up and down. "If I had gone with you, none of this would've happened". He exclaimed. Shen Wei just placed his hand atop of Yun Lan's. "It's okay Yun Lan", he told him. Yun Lan just nodded this time, still not believing it 100%.

He then felt a warm coat cover him. He looked up to see Yun Lan's coat around his shoulders. He smiled slightly, even the smallest movement hurt. "Take it easy", Yun Lan said. Shen Wei leaned back against the bench, blood still on his face. He grabbed both sides of the coat further around his shoulders. "Are you still cold?", Yun Lan asked. He simply nodded.

He then felt Yun Lan shift closer, "come here", he suggested. Shen Wei looked at Yun Lan and then saw him extending his arms. He was asking for a hug. "Stand up first", Shen Wei half laughed. Yun Lan smiled back "sure, anything for you", he stood up and helped Shen Wei up.

He then immediately threw himself at Shen Wei, head resting on his shoulder. Shen Wei felt himself melt into the hug. He hadn't been held like this for years. So much comfort was being thrown into the hug. Shen Wei placed his arms on his back and held Yun Lan tightly. Afraid that if he were to let go, Yun Lan would disappear. He felt Yun Lan cry, soft sobs were heard. Yun Lan never showed this side of him to other people, Shen Wei was the only one he trusted enough to show it to.

Shen Wei pulled him even closer, if that was possible. Yun Lan backed away, wiping away some tears. "Let's get you to bed", he smiled sadly. Shen Wei nodded and they began to walk towards the hotel.

Once they were in their room, Yun Lan wanted to walk Shen Wei towards the bed, but Shen Wei stopped him. "Wait, It's my turn to sleep on the couch", Yun Lan sighed. "You're badly injured and that's what you're worried about?", he asked with a small hint of disbelief in his voice. "Yes, just help me to the couch", he said stubbornly. "Fine", he gave in.

He placed Shen Wei on the couch, placed a blanket on top of him and got his glasses off his nose. He squeezed Shen Wei's arm "goodnight Professor Shen", Shen Wei smiled at him "good night chief Zhao".

Yun Lan walked towards the bed and sat on it, looking at the already asleep Shen Wei. He saw how he turned in his sleep. He noticed that Shen Wei was very stubborn and didn't want any form of sympathy. That was one of the main reasons Yun Lan liked the man so much. He was strong, smart, funny, handsome and so much more. Yun Lan liked this man from the beginning since they met, he couldn't resist his charm. He had fallen for him a long time ago, but Shen Wei wasn't interested in men, he knew that himself aswell. So he tried to avoid Shen Wei and hang out with Zhu Hong. Because he knew once he got too attached to Shen Wei, he wouldn' t be able to let him go.

But the man on the couch in front of him was too cute, too irresistible. Yun Lan sighed and got out off bed. He walked towards Shen Wei and looked at him. He then hooked his right arm under his legs and his left arm around his shoulders. He then lifted Shen Wei up. The man was way too light for his height. The man's head rolled onto Yun Lan's chest. Yun Lan smiled, he was so cute when he was asleep.

He then laid him down onto the bed and covered him with the sheets. He then got in it himself and turned off the lights. "Goodnight my little Shen Wei", he whispered and went to sleep.

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