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03:00 AM

Shen Wei woke up to an empty room. He looked around and noticed that Yun Lan hadn't locked the door. He must've been in a hurry. Shen Wei got out of bed, surprisingly he felt way better than the day before. He took a glass of water and went to sit on the couch, turning on the tv. He decided to just wait for Yun Lan to return to their room. They would only stay here for 2 more days before going home.

After 45 minutes of waiting, no sign of Yun Lan was shown. Shen Wei began to get worried. He walked towards the phone and called Yun Lan. No one picked up. He tried again and again, but no answer. He sighed and decided to get dressed and look for Yun Lan. He just hoped he was safe.

He put on a plain white blouse and some pants and got out of the room. He locked the door and left the hotel. It was midnight, so he couldn't see properly. The darkness surrounded him completely, only some snow white lamps shined in the distance. The snow had disappeared and it slowly began getting warmer.

He was walking for more than 25 minutes, but couldn't find Yun Lan anywhere. He decided to sit on a bench and continue the search after he got some rest. He still wasn't in the greatest condition due to his injuries. He rested for a bit and decided to look again.

He was walking until he noticed something lying on the ground a few feet away from him. As he got closer he noticed it was a body, it was Yun Lan. Shen Wei hurried over to the unconscious man lying there. "Yun Lan", he shouted while shaking his body. "Yun Lan", he tried again, but no sign of life was shown.

He looked his body up and down and noticed the wounds on his body. Some cuts and bruises were left on his chest and face. He caressed his face. "Come on Yun Lan, don't leave me. I need you". But he still didn't answer. Shen Wei sighed.

Suddenly he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw a man with a bat in his hands. The man looked at Shen Wei and wanted to hit him. But suddenly Shen Wei moved his left hand in front of him, to protect himself. But a black light escaped his hand, knocking the bat out of the man's hand. "What the?", the man began. Shen Wei looked at his own hand in shock, what was that? He thought.

He decided to just try it again and it send the man flying to the other side. "Holy", the man started while he struggled to get up. He then ran away, leaving a very confused and shocked Shen Wei behind. What had just happened? He legitimately send the man flying by just sticking out his hand. What was happening to him?

He looked back at Yun Lan, to see him sitting up. Face full of shock. "Wha-, what was that?", Yun Lan asked. "Yun Lan, I don't know", he said honestly. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I'll kill him if he did", Yun Lan laid back down. "I, I'm a bit sore right now", he tried to laugh.

"Shen Wei", he began. Shen Wei took his hand, slowly stroking his thumb over Yun Lan's knuckles. "I'm here", he told him. "Don't leave me... please", Shen Wei chuckled "I would never". They smiled at each other, eyes full of caring.

He helped Yun Lan get up and they walked back to the hotel "look at us, both injured. We're really reckless aren't we", Yun Lan laughed. "Yes, yes we are", Shen Wei answered. "But what was that, the thing you did with your hand? That was so cool", Yun Lan screamed like a kid who got ice cream for the first time. "I honestly don't know. I just got mad and the man wanted to hit me and i stuck my hand out to protect myself and it send him flying", Shen Wei explained. "Well, cool to know though", Yun Lan laughed. Shen Wei just chuckled inwardly at Yun Lan's cuteness.

Once they arrived at the hotel, they got back to their room. "Come here", Shen Wei told Yun Lan. "What for?","I will patch you up", Yun Lan laughed. "What is it?", Shen Wei asked. "Yesterday I patched you up and now you patch me up, what even is happening", he smiled. Shen Wei just nodded, not knowing how to respond.

They sat on the couch and Yun Lan took off his shirt. Shen Wei began to clean the wound on his chest, until he saw Yun Lan flinch. "sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you", Shen Wei said. "Just keep going, it didn't hurt at all", he said trying to keep a pokerface. Shen Wei chuckled at his sillyness. Obviously he did feel some pain.

He had cleaned all the wounds and made sure he didn't have any pain. Yun Lan walked towards the bed. "Join me?", he asked. Shen Wei looked at what he was aiming for and told him he was okay with sleeping on the couch. They both went to change into their sleeping outifts and laid down.

While Yun Lan lay in the bed and Shen Wei lay on the couch they talked for a bit. "What time is it?", Yun Lan asked. Shen Wei looked on his phone "little over 5am", he heard Yun Lan laugh. "Jesus, I really need some sleep". Shen Wei just smiled. "What are we going to do tomorrow?", Shen Wei asked. "Well, Zhu Hong wanted to have dinner with everyone, since tomorrow is our last day here in the hotel. So I told her we would go together, if you're okay with that", "yeah, that's okay. Maybe I could bond with my coworkers, since I haven't really spoken to them. Only Da Qing", Shen Wei explained.

"Well, Da Qing is very nice, so I hope he left a good impression", Yun Lan smiled. "He sure did.","But I'm going to sleep now, cause if we want to be fit tomorrow, we need some rest", Yun Lan told him. "I agree". "Goodnight", Yun Lan told him. "Goodnight". And with that they both fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wednesday is my last day in Spain, so when I get back I will update more often. :) and thank you so fucking much for all the support you guys give me, it's too much. I'm just an idiot who can't write for shit and still gets love from the most wonderful people. I truly love you all! Thank you so so much! 爱你! and if you have any suggestions, please leave them. I'm kind of lost in the story rn, all the things I want to put in the story, can only be used later on. So please help me with some ideas! :) 💕💕

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