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Once i got in my house, i headed in my room and changed my clothes into something more comfortable.

I was determined not to cut today.

After a few minutes i hear my doorbell.

I opened the door to reveal Diego.

D: Hi, i was supposed to come to your house, right?

He said and walked in.

B: Oh yea, right. I forgot...

D: You forget easily, huh?

B: Maybe. Are you hungry?

D: Uh not really.

B: You sure? I have Takis lol.

D: Oh my, seriously?! That shit is my favourite!

B: Same!

We sat on the kitchen table and ate the takis.

D: Is that blood stain on your sweater?

He asked pointing on the blood stains that I had on the sleeve of my sweater from cutting.

B: No, you silly! It's... KETCHUP! Yup! I ate chicken nuggets with ketchup yesterday and turns out i stained it, sorry.

D: Ahahah it's no problem. We're not strangers!

B: If you're done we can go to my room and start with the homework.

D: Sure thing!

We got upstairs in my room and he sat on my bed.

D: Wow!  Do you play ukulele?

He asked grabbing my ukulele that was next to my bed.

B: Yep!

D: I love singing! Singing and photography are my favourite things!

B: I love singing too!

I said with a smile.

D: We should do a duet together one day!

B: Sounds like a plan!


Time passed fast. I learned new things in maths and helped him understand them more easily.
It was good to do this; I'll be ready for next year.

He helped me with biology since is his favorite subject and I wouldn't disappoint Mr Lester.
We were supposed to have the biology test yesterday but it got canceled on account of an issue with his daughter.

B: Thanks for the help!

D: I didn't do anything. You did the most so I should be the one thanking you.

We went downstairs.

D: Thanks again Billie. You're a lifesaver!

I grinned and i felt my cheeks heat up.

He was literally the sweetest person ever!


At night...

B: Wilma? What are you doing here? How did you get it my house???

W: Stay away from him!

B: What are you talking about?

W: Friday...

B: Friday, WHAT?

W: Something bad is going to happen. Stay away from him for your own safety!

Then she vanished

B: Wait! Where are you going? Where did you go? EXPLAIN ME!

I opened my eyes.

It was a dream?

What does that mean?


A/N: short chapter but im gonna post another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading this far x)

The neighbour who saved my life ╰☆╮ billie eilish - lil xan Where stories live. Discover now