•|Fill Me Wrong|•

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  "Hayley?!" Once again, for nearly the three thousandth time, I yelled out for Hayley. My throat had been sore and my voice was becoming horsed for all of the hours of yelling that I had been doing. But it wasn't going to stop me from searching for her. "Hayley?!" I yelled again.

    After that scream, I stopped in the middle of my tracks and listened to whomever had been following me through the forest. I looked back in the direction of the crumbling leaves before using my vampire speed to run in the opposite direction when I saw that it had been Honor.

  "Now where exactly do you think you're going?" Lauren stopped me and folded her arms.

  "Hayley is missing." I said, barley above a whisper but yet in a serious voice.

  "The sun has risen and you have yet to find her." Lauren said. "The sent that you're following is a dead end Niklaus. Honor gave you a choice, now I know this may seem selfish but choosing your baby's mother over your child...just don't let me see it happen again or I myself will give you the merciless white oak."

    I smiled at Lauren's threat and let oak a creepy chuckle as I walked closer to her. "If you weren't her friend," I whispered. "your head and body would be detached by now. And depending on how much anger I have built up inside of me lot...your head would probably be somewhere deep in the pacific."

  "And here I was," Honor's voice sounded as she stumbled into sight grabbing me and Lauren's attention. "thinking that my best friend and my father would be able to get along."

  "Oh we are." Lauren nodded with a sarcastic smirk on her face as she looked into my eyes and I did the same to her. "I was just giving him a taste of what'll happen if we don't."

    There was something about Lauren that reminded myself a lot of Hayley. The fierceness. The confidence. It was like meeting Hayley all over again but in a different setting. Less secrets and more of our inner selves.

  "Anyways." Honor said, preparing the break the ice. "As Lauren said, the sent is probably a dead end so we're going to have to do this the way we witches tend to do when a certain someone becomes out of reach." She nodded. "Hope is the closet thing to Hayley. We could go to her."

Honor stared into my eyes as I stared into hers. I grew extremely paranoid. She forgave me too easily, my family is boxed up in coffins, and Hayley is missing. All because I believe that just because someone looks like me or someone familiar, they're my child.

"I will go to her and have another witch perform Hayley's locators spell." I said, in an attempt to walk past Honor.

"Lauren?" Honor looked back as she stood next to me gently gripping my wrist. "Would you mind?"

Lauren nodded her head before she walked out of me and Honor's sight as to which Honor let go of my wrist.

"You don't trust me?" Honor asked.

"No." I answered honestly. "And I don't trust myself either, but either way I will not fail to protect my daughter. The one that I am sure of."

Honor let out a sigh and reached down into the pocket of her long open front navy blue sweater and pulled out of folded piece of paper. I watched as she unfolded it before lying it on the ground. It was a world map.

"If I am not your child, then my blood won't be able to find Hope." Honor said. She then picked up a stick from the ground and used its sharp point to cut herself. I watched as she bled onto the map and once she healed, she began to chant a few words.

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