•|Check Mate|•

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    I arched my back as Klaus kissed and rubbed my body. There hadn't been a moment through out these last few hours that I wanted him to stop. I was even surprised that I hadn't thought about Elijah's feeling, or Elijah at all at that matter. It made me feel selfish and that is exactly how I now defined myself. Selfish. That's what love could do to you or for you. You could take it in a good way or you could take it in a bad way.

    My legs squeezed Klaus's waist when I sensed that he'd been pulling away from me. My back arched even more as I dug my finger nails into his back without the intentions of making him bleed, but of course, I hadn't known my own strengths at this point. Klaus squeezed my thighs as he kissed my lips, this time with force.

  "Hayley?" Freya's voice interrupted my memories as she called my name whilst entering the attic of her home. "Are you okay?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

  "Yeah," I nodded as I stood up from the chair that I sat in, "yeah I'm fine."

    Kole had entered the attic after Freya, and I was sure that he'd been wondering why I had been locked up here. It wasn't to avoid Elijah at all. I was here because I didn't want to involve myself with this Keith person. Although I know that I have these new abilities, I'm sure that Victor and Keith aren't the only whatevers from Norway, HQ. So I was here to be safe, to be selfish and protect myself and my daughter by not saying yes.

"I spoke with Hope earlier and she said that her dad's back," I said while sliding my hands in my back pocket, "all I can think about is what they did to him and if he'd said yes or not."

"Well he definitely didn't say yes." Freya said surly, handing me a glass of blood. "You and I both know how stubborn he can get when it comes down to Hope. But even if he did say yes, Victor says that he needs permission from two parents."

"That's a problem," Kole mumbled, "Honor currently only has one parent right now. If Klaus says yes, he'd be speaking for one hundred percent of Honor and fifty percent of Hope-"

"He isn't going to say yes." Freya interrupted calmly with a stress filled sigh coming from her mouth.

"Yeah but he should." Kole, Freya, and I had all turned our attention to the girl who entered the attic with her hands in an army green short collared jacket with extra pockets. "Before you ask any questions, no I don't really know how I'm able to walk into your house without an invitation as any other Norway witch must have. I'm Spencer," she turned her attention towards me, "I'm the demon who possessed your daughter-"

"Then what the hell are you doing here?" I questioned seriously.

"To say you're welcome." Spencer said cockily. "After all, I am the witch who released Nik from Norway, HQ." She shrugged.

"Why?" Asked Freya, a serious look crossing her face as she took a step closer to Spencer.

"Because Karonis, my father, has given me strict orders to maintain alliances with Hope and Honor. As much as I hate it, I've already given him my word which would technically put me on your side. Hayley, your daughters are required to find their true potentials and unless you could find someone other than Victor to do the job, then Keith is going to keep at it in the most rawest way possible." Spencer nodded. "That's all the time I have today and I hope that the next time I see you, you're at one of Hope's training sessions."

"Wait," Freya called, using her vampire speed to block Spencer from leaving the attic, "you said that Klaus should say yes, why?" Spencer looked up into Freya's eyes while releasing a sigh.

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