•|Love Me First|•

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"Klaus hasn't really returned any of my calls mom." I shrugged into the line as I poke to Angela on the phone. "It's kind of hard to tell if he's alive or not."

"He's alive." Angela said. "Davina told Vincent about the conversation they had with one another. Could you get in touch with her and make sure she tells him about London."

"Of course." Nodding my head, I ended the phone call and then walked into the kitchen of Freya and Kaelin's home. Kaelin recently showed up without any idea of how she had gotten here. Camille was also here along with some random girl.

London told my mom her reasons for being here and the reason why Hayley doesn't know who she really is. Hayley is more powerful than anyone could imagine. It was her brother who had her compelled which is rather brilliant I think. The thing is, he isn't a vampire and neither was she. Wolves can't compel which would make the two of them some different kind of breeds.

"Hey." I said, speaking to Kaelin who had been taking an aspirin for the headache that she had for the last few hours. "Sooo, I have some bad news."

"As if this isn't enough." Kaelin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I lost the trucks-"

"It was a dead end anyways." I said, interrupting her. "Hope and Marcel made it to Monatana, but the coffins were empty. So mission number one, find your family."

"What's mission number two?" Kaelin asked.

"Mission number two isn't for us. It's for Klaus and Hope. Hayley's missing and I would prefer for it to stay that way until we figure out why she's craving Klaus's blood and what'll happen if she has more."

"How do you know if she's missing?" Another question fell from Kaelin's lips.

"She's not. She's with Kole, he called me. He says that she doesn't want Klaus to find her so I am going to find a witch and have her cloaked later." I nodded. "In the mean time, I got in touch with some vampires and wolves in Rome to distract Klaus for a while and it bought me some time to convince Davina to not locate Hayley." After my words, I grabbed my car keys from the table. "Ready when you are."

Queens, New York

Night had fallen in the beautiful city of Queens. Honor and I had been distant during the entire flight here. I tried to speak with her but she ignore me the entire way. My phone vibrated, interrupting the silence that I had tried to remain in for a while to think about the carelessness that always tend to fall from my lips.

When I looked at the screen of my silver iPhone X, I immediately answered once I saw a name that would have given me a heart attacked if they had been dead.

"Hayley?" I gasped out of relief. "Where are you-"

"I want you to stop." She interrupted. I furrowed my eyebrows and licked my lips.


"I want you to-"

"I know what you mean." I interrupted. "But Hayley now isn't the-"

"I can kill you-I-I want to kill you, Klaus." Hayley interrupted. "And I don't know what I would ever do if you were dead and your blood was on my hands...again."

"This isn't about me, this is about our daughter. What about her? What is going to happen when she finds out that her mother is gone because she can't control her hunger?" I asked out of anger.

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