Chapter 31

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**NOT edited!**
••Check our the Author's Blurb at the end.••

"Make yourselves comfortable," Abram says to us.

We all take a seat on the couch, Rigg placing Alaska on his knee. Trigg and Abram both take a seat on the opposite couch. Thea babbles to Lyra who laughs at her, Kadyn, of course, dozes off in my arms. Alaska looks around with one of his little hands grasping Rigg's shirt. Poor kid is scared. Rigg makes him feel better though by rubbing his back gently.

It's silent for a while. An awkward silence filled by Thea's babbling. Until Rigg sighs loudly.

"Ask," Rigg urges. We all know what Trigg and Abram are wondering.

"You have a kid?" Trigg asks immediately after getting permission.

Rigg chuckles. "Yes, I have a kid," He runs his free hand that isn't comfortingly rubbing Alaska's back through his hair. Alaska doesn't even bother with it, he is to uncomfortable to care. "His name is Alaska,"

Trigg smiles. "You always did like Alaska, didn't you?"

Rigg nods his head. "I haven't seen the state yet, but I'm getting closer to it," He snorts.

"And you've mated with Oliver, that's good, too," Abram comments.

"Yeah, I have," Rigg agrees.

"How long?" Trigg asks. "I mean, how long have you and Oliver been together now?"

Rigg glances at me and smiles before looking back at his brother and his mate. "It will be a year in September,"

I swear, Trigg nearly chokes. He coughs a few times and tries to get his bearings back. He looks from Rigg to me, then back and forth.

"A y-year?" He stammers. "But, Alaska is much older than a year,"

Rigg bites his bottom lip as he nods his head. "I had Alaska before I found Oliver again. Or," He pauses to look at me. "He found me again,"

"Wait, so you had Alaska before Oliver?"

Rigg slowly nods his head. "Yes," He answers, then he sighs. "It's easier if I just start from the beginning,"

Rigg ends up telling the story of how he ran for a while before he ended up on Lyra's front step in Maine. He tells how he and Lyra had a feeling that they needed to have a kid together, and how Lyra thought it would help Rigg cope. He told how he tried to go to Newberry several times but he couldn't. He told how he physically could not leave Maine. He told stories about Alaska before getting to me showing up in the only store in Stratton.

Then he went on to explain how Lyra had a feeling that she needed to have my pup and it took me a while to get the same feeling. Then he told about Lyra's annoying pregnancy hormones and how the twins were born on the side of the road on the way to the hospital. He explained why we got married so soon, to which Trigg did not look happy about but didn't say much on the matter. Then he explained how Lyra's parents showed up and were our impromptu motivation to move. Then he had to explain that we are moving to Newberry and not here, to which Trigg had about a hundred questions as to why. Well, Trigg had about a million questions in total, but once Rigg said we were moving to Newberry he all but lost it.

We knew Trigg wasn't going to like us showing up and then leaving again, Rigg and I tried to prepare ourselves for it. But when the time came, we were still unprepared. Abram was the one to calm Trigg down before he started crying. If he started crying I probably would have had to leave the room. I get so awkward around crying people and have no idea what to do, even when I know I should comfort them. Not that I would comfort Trigg or anything, I still hate the guy.

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