chapter 8: Part 2

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"Dave why are we at the pool?" Dave had ended up taking My'Angel to the inside pool that was located in the building.

"Stop questioning shit". Dave stripped out of his tank top and pajama pants. Angel let out a slight blush while watching Dave strip.

Dave looked over at her with a smirk on his face
"You gettin' in".

"I don't have a bathing suit."

"Wear what you got on under that robe". He winked at her before diving into the pool. He did a few laps in a circle.

Angel on the other hand just stood there with her arms folded.

"C'mon Ang"

"No", she said.


"Because I can't swim", Angel muttered lowly. Water was something she was never a fan of. She could look at it, dip her feet in it, and sit in it, but that was it.

Dave swam to the edge of the pool.

"We'll just stay on the short end."

My'Angel let out a long sigh before removing her robe. She had on a blue lace bra and panty set that made her boobs sit up and her ass stand out.

She walked over to Dave and he helped her into the water. The water was warm which made it a lot easier for her.

After getting relaxed Angel decided to spark conversation.

"Why did you bring me to a pool?"

"I wanted to see you naked." My'Angel smacked the back of his head.

"Aight I'm playin'. Water is relaxing and I know you was stressin' over what I told you yesterday." Dave looked over at her. She was completely silent so he continued.

"Wassup with me?", Dave said. The question had caught My'Angel off guard.

"What you mean?", she asked with a confused look on her face.

"What makes you not want to give me a chance?"

"Dave I really don't wanna  answer that", she said looking at him. Dave looked back at her without saying a word.

"You don't want to because you ain't got an answer." Dave shook his head before swimming off.

My'Angel knew she didn't have an answer. She didn't want to give her heart just for it to get broken.

She tried to follow behind Dave but he was all the way in the 7ft and she wasn't  going no further than the 5ft line.

"Dave can you come back over here so we can talk."

"Talk about what My'Angel? I done said all the shit I had to say. You the one holding this up." She could hear the anger rising in Dave's voice, but she didn't care.

"No I'm not. Bitch." My'Angel thought she had mumbled it low enough, but Dave heard her. He slowly began to swim back to her. As he swam closer she walked backwards. She kept walking until her back touched the edge.

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