Chapter 15

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2 weeks later...

Dave's POV

"You know the rules. Don't act stupid in Harlem", My'Angel repeated throughout the phone.

Today was the big day. I was finally doing my reveal. To say I was nervous was a understatement, but I was down playing it for Ang.

"I hear you ma'. Anything else you want big daddy to do?" My'Angel couldn't make it to Harlem with me because her celebrity dinner was next weekend and she had financial shit to handle.

She bit her lip while tilting her head from side to side.

"Umm yea I need something else, but you can handle that when you get home", she said with a smirk on her face.

My'Angel was a freak. No we haven't did anything too sexual, but all the signs were there. Angel was one of those "anytime anyplace", type of freaks.

I smiled into the camera, "I got you when I get back."

She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes, "Dave you said that-- is that Mr. Dave?"

The soft voice of a little girl interrupted whatever Angel was saying.

"Yea, you wanna talk to him?" My'Angel handed the little girl the phone. She placed it close to her face and smiled. She was a cute brown skin girl with big brown eyes and a head full of hair.

"Hi Dave", she spoke shyly to the camera.

"Hey sweetheart, how you doing?" I saw her cheeks turn pink.

She had a crush on me.

"I'm good. I just wanted to say hi", she handed the phone back to Angel.

"Aww she was cute. How old is lil mama?"

"8 going on 18", she said with a smile.

"How she know about me?"

"The day you came and brought me something to eat. She asked your name and I told her. I guess she like yo' ugly ass", she said while rolling her eyes.

"I'm ugly? Imma remember that Ang." She licked her lips and bit the corner of her lip.

She want some dick.

"I know you love talkin to me, but I gotta go", I said while hopping out of the truck.

"Aight holla at you nigga." She put the dueces up and ended the call.

The building was packed out. There were cars parked every where. People was parking blocks away and walking to the place. The interview was going to be live. You could watch it on t.v. and hear it on the radio.

My niggas juggie, bully, and Ralph was standing at the doorway of the building. I had to bring my niggas here to make sure my mood stayed lightened.

"You ready", juggie asked while dapping me up.

I blew out a long breath, "always."

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