Chapter Five: Bad Boy Questions

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5 | Bad Boy Questions

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The next morning at school was okay. The staring and snickering were down to a minimum and most people had already forgotten what happened, and was on to the next gossip.

As I stood at my locker, I couldn't help but glance over into the direction of Bradley's. She was with her two best friends, laughing and smiling along like it was the norm. I turned my head back around so I could retrieve the necessary items I needed from my locker but after a few minutes of rummaging, I looked back down the hall in hopes of seeing after glimpse of the brunette beauty, but she was gone.

"Hey, Argent," said Aviary, as she approached from behind me. I turned around and looked at the girl who was wearing a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey," I replied, as I closed my locker and started to walk down the hall; with Aviary right beside me.

"I saw you staring at Bradley," She stated, "I'm guessing you tie recently broke up?"

"I wish," I muttered, "We haven't dated but I did have a huge crush on her,"

"I can see why," Aviary said, as we pushed through a few rowdy jocks in the hall. "She's pretty, she's smart, she's the head cheerleader and practically the Queen Bee of this school,"

"You know a lot about the kids in this school, for someone who has only been here for two days," I pointed out, as I smile tainted my lips.

"I have my ways," She smirked, tucking a strand of loose hair. We continued walking for a few more minutes until we finally reached AP English. When we entered the classroom, I made sure that I headed straight to my seat that way I wouldn't have to have another argument with someone.

"I was going to give you back your seat, anyways," Aviary laughed, as she settled down in the seat behind me.

"I know," I smiled, turning around to face her, "I was just testing you,"

"Suree," She teased, dragging out the word.

"Okay class," Ms Matthew said, clapping her hands together to get everyone's attention. "Today in class, we're going to get a head start on the project. There's a paper going around with a list of ten basic questions that I want you to ask your partner. For the rest of the project, you guys will create your own questions and in the end, you will create a biography about your partner and share it by the end of the two weeks that you have for this project,"

Turning around, I faced Aviary as everyone else in the class went to their assigned partners. Smiling, she handed me the paper with questions and we both started working.

"So who's going first?" I asked, as I pulled my chair closer to her. She stared at me for a few seconds before answering. "Am I too close?" I questioned, blabbering, "I tend to do that sometimes. Me and 'Personal Space' aren't the best of friends,"

"It's fine," She laughed, "I'll ask the first question: What's your favorite color,"

"Green," I replied, "I've been in love with this color ever since second grade," Well ever since I saw Bradley for the first time, where a light green floral sundress, I whispered to myself.

"Well, my favorite color is Blue," She said, "I remember before I moved here, my mom will come home every night with a Blueberry lollipop for me and a Cherry one for her and we will talk about our day; it was our little tradition,"

"Do you miss her?" I questioned, as a sad expression crept over Aviary's face.

"That's not the next question, Argent," She said, with a forced smile.

"I know, but do you?"

"I don't want to talk about it if you don't mind," She replied, after a few minutes, "Okay?"

"Okay," I reluctantly agreed, "Next Question: What's your full name?"

"What a stalker-ish question?" She chuckled and I did the same, "Aviary Jade Montez,"

"I have a weird middle name," I stated, running my fingers through my hair. "Promise me you won't laugh,"

"No promises," She smiled at me, her green eyes shining, "How weird could it be?"

"Let's just say, my parents were big fans of the Teen Wolf movie,"

"Lemme guess, your middle name is 'Stiles'?"


Staring at me, I huge smile tainted Aviary's lips once again. Throwing her head back, she started laughing as if what I said was the funniest thing in the world. "You said you won't laugh!" I whined, as I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her.

"I mean, who wouldn't laugh? Your middle name is Stiles. What the hell, 'Stiles'?"

"Hey, my middle name is unique!"

"And it cute, just like you," Raising her head back up, she looked at me with her eyes wide open. I looked back, unsure of what I heard was true. Did Aviary just call me cute?

"What did you say?" I whispered.

"Nothing!" She cried, as blood started to pool underneath the surface of her cheeks, a light blush beginning to form, "Next question: When's your birthday?"

"June tenth,"

"A Gemini, eh?" She replied, with a sly smile. "I'm a Libra, my birthday is on September twenty-fifth,"

"Did you know that Libra's and Gemini's are one of the most compatible signs in the zodiac?"

"What are you implying, Argent?" She questioned, leaning closer to me. The space between us was almost becoming non-existent and I instantly felt my heart rate steadily increasing.

"N-Nothing," I stuttered, as I looked into her green eyes and she stared into my hazel ones. "Just sharing useful information,"

"You're so easy to tease," she smirked, leaning back into her seat.

"Oh shut up," I blushed, leaning back into my chair.

"Nope," She retorted, popping the 'p'. "Next Question: Who do you prefer, Batman or Catwoman?"

"Batman," I said proudly, "Who doesn't love Batman? He's the best superhero there is."

"I guess I'll be the Catwoman to your Batman," Aviary whispered, smiling once again. Her smile was contagious and made me smile as well. We both continued looking at each other with big smiles on our faces. We were doing that a lot lately and the best thing is, Bradley had yet to cross my mind this entire time.

"I guess so,"

   Once again, this was written on my phone so beware of mistakes. All my stories are first drafts, I do minor edits now and bigger edits when the book is done. Vote and Comment because all is highly appreciated :3

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