Separation and fear

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(Hay pleas check out my new book light in the dark thx)

Error p.o.v 

I finished my work and walked down to the dungeon and as I got closer I heard my  annoying little brothers voice. I walk in and see fresh standing near ink. Fresh what are you doing hear I ask. Oh wasup my radical bro he says.  I just wanted to meet are new little friends I don't se the prob with that he says. I told you to stay away no we get out I shout. Chill bro I am leaving he says while walking out. Good I say while walking up to inks cell.  Well now that he's gone  we can get to your punishments I say. What they say in unison. You heard me you have to be punished for trying to escape I say.  What are you going to do with us blue asks. First I am going to separate you from your friends. What they shout. Shut up I yell. I open the door to inks cell and wrap him in my strings. Your coming with me I say. Let me go he wines. My crew will deal with your friends I say what now don't hurt them he says. You should really worry about yourself I say befor draggingg him up to my room.   I threw him onto the bed and pulled out a pair of cuffs. I attached one to his wrist and the other through the bed post and lock it around his other wrist. Now you stay hear I will be back. I walk out and head for the siting room. Ok I took there leader you guys can go down and take his friends I say. Yes captain the say befor rushing off. Well I am going to have fun with my inky later I say befor laughing. Ahaahahahhhhaaha.

 Crystal p.o.v

We watch as the captain drags ink away. What are we going to do blue asks. What do you think he meant by punishment dream asks. I don't know but we have to remain calms I say. We are domed geno says. Why do you say that I say. Because they don't joke around he adds. Ok what should we i start but am cut off when the door swings open and some of his crew walks in. I watched as a tall and very insane look guy walks up to blue and open his cell he was about to run but he raped his arms around him and dragged him off. Dream was dragged off with a very fluffy guy and geno was carried away by someone in a black cloak. I was the only one left and a tall and goopy guy walks up to me. Your coming with me he say. He opens the door and wrapped his tentacle around me. My name is nightmare in cases you forget he se say. Release me I say while trying to pull away. Shut up he says as we walk to a new room. This is my room you will stay hear he says befor setting me on the bed and  tying  My hands to the bed fram. I be back in awhile he says befor leaving.

Dream p.o.v

I was dragged into a new room and was restaned. I am cross he says. O-ok i say. I have work to do so you have to stay hear  he says. I nodded and backed up agents the wall.  I hope the others are ok. 

Blue p.o.v

I was tossed onto a bed stay hear he says. W what are you doing I ask. Getting rope he says. What I say backing up towards the bed post. He rushes at me and ties my arms up.  The names dust he's says befor leaving.  Ohh stars this isn't good.

Geno p.o.v

Reaper dragged me to what I assume is his room and chaines  my arms to the bed. Aww come geno~ baby relax he coos. We get some alone time he says. This is the worst punishment ever. 

Error p.o.v

I walked  back up to my room with a black cloth. I can use this as a blind fold or something else. I was about to walk back to my room when I hear. Yo bro what are ya doing with those little dudes he asked. That's non of your concern I say befor walking off.  I open my door and see ink pulling on his cuffs trying to pull them off. You aren't going anywhere I say. Why he asks. Because your mine and your arms are tied so you don't escape I say. I sit next to him and stroke his face. S-s-stop he says. You don't give me orders I say. I pin him down and throw his scarf off. Pl-else stop he say. Why I say moving closed to his  neck. I I am sensitive there he says trying to hide hi rainbow blush. Ohh really ~ I say. Lick his neck and he mouns. Stop he says trying to contain his mouns. I continue to lick and nip his neck. Aaa he mouns. I pull away and lay next to him night inky I say. 

Nightmare p.o.v

I finish my duties and walk to my room. I see crystal staring out the window. What are you looking at I ask. Eep she shouts in surprise. Hahahhaha did I scare you I ask. No you didn't you just surprised me she says. Ohh really I say in a mocking tone. Well you seem down I say as I walk to the bed. Oh I wonder why she says sarcasticly. Watch your tone I say. She flinches slightly. Shhh relax I say while pushing her down on the bed. You know you are really cute I say.  Now I am not she says. I kiss her cheek and her face turns pink and blue. I stare at her for a few minutes befor wrapping my arms around her waist and kiss her again. She tries to pull away but I hold he tight. Night princess I say. Don't call me that she says.

??? P.o.v

I watch as error and his crew drag some wimpy sailors off there ship. Well I guess they mean a lot to him and his crew I just have to find witch one means the most to him and take them away. After that error will be willing to do anything to get his prescious little crush back. Hahhhahahahahahahhaahahhahaah. 

( hay guys for the next chapter I want to take a vote on what one ship i should do along with the main one errink. Also my oneshot  book is open for requests if you have any requests pleas go to that book and leave it in the comments thx I look forward to your suggestions by.)

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