Calm and coming storm

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Ink p.o.v

I wake up and cuddle into the warmth coming form so where. Heheh are you cold my inky error says, n n no I say. Really then why are you cuddling me he says with a smirk. I well umm I thought you were a blanket I say in defense. Heheh well  follow me so  we can get breakfast he says.  Ok I say. We walk and I hear fresh call. You Bro I have gots some you plans for the new security fresh says, ok error says, ink you can head to the kitchen to make something ok error says. I node and walk into the kitchen. Wow this place is big I say. It's amazing blue says running in. What are you doing I ask. I thought I can make breakfast with you and the other. Why am I being dragged into this geno asks. Because we would love your help crystal says. Yes geno it would be great if you helped Dream adds. What should we make I ask, i the magnificent blue shall make  pancakes for all of us and our pirate friend he says. I can make muffins crystal says. Ohh me and geno can make juice dream says. I guess I can cook the eggs I say. Yay blue yells and he runs to the stove. We all start then I hear error enter the dining room room with his friends. Inky what are you doing errors ask. We made breakfast i say. Cool dust and horror shout. Nice dudes fresh says. Hehe I didn't know you could cook geno reaper says. Shut up geno says pushing a glass of juice to him. Wow this looks delicious cross and nightmare say. Thank you we all say. Let's eat crystal shouts. We all sit down and star eating. What should we do today I ask. I have something to do but you can join me Ink error says.  That sounds great I say. Blue if you want I can show you the garden there are some berries there dust says.  Oma yes I would love that blue says. I giggle at blues reaction. I what to read dream says. I can join you cross says. That would be lovely dream says.  I want to left alone and read geno says. I will join you babe reaper says. Nooooooooooooooooo whyyyyyyy geno says. Well I can show you the waterfall if you want crystal nightmare says. That sounds nice crystal says. We all node and starts cleaning up and head our separate ways. Well ink let's head to my office error says. I node and we enter his office. So what are you doing I ask. I am trying to figure out a way to keep unfresh away form the island error says. Oh ok I say. I was thinking about having a magical barrier but that's strong magic and I haven't practiced that type of magic. So what are you going to do then. I am going to put up a mist around the island so no outside ships can enter without my permission he says. That sounds like a good idea I say. Thank you inky he says. Umm  d do you need any help I ask. No but you can read a book if you'd like I will be done shortly he says, ok I say grabbing a book off of a shelve. I open it and look threw the pages. It talked about jems and jewel that had magic powers, one of them had a rainbow color and was called the jewel of power. It's power was to create anything and grant power boost if the user wanted to. I saw a few more a yellow Jewel of light witch creates beers of light and can glow in the dark, a blue jewel that creates speed and advanced  agility. The next jewel was a aqua color with a light pink tone. It was a special Jewel from the sea kingdom. It was to advance and Enhance a mermaid tridents power. Wait this Jem sound cool crystal might know about that since she's a mermaid. That's kinda cool. I continue to read and see a red and white Jem. It said it's power was to help the user predict there enemy move and heal wounds. Ink what are you reading error asks. Oh just this book on jewel I say. Well I want to show you something inky he says. Oh ok I say blushing lightly. Follow me he says. I node and he shows me a small garden. This place is amazing I say. Thank you and it's in hear he says. I node and we enter a small room. He turns on the light and I see a room filled with art supplies and a window to the garden. This is amazing I say, it's yours inky  he says. Really i say. Yes and your friends can come too he says. Thank you I say hugging him. Let's go back in it's getting late he says. Really I ask. Hehe yes it's almost sunset we where in there for a while he says. Ok I say walking with him. 

A few minutes later

After dinner we head back to error room, I change into a small night shirt and pants then lay down. Night inky error says. I turn to him and notice he's not where a night shirt. I umm n n night I say. Are you embarrassed inky he says pulling me close to him. N no I say. Ok then he says kisses my head and laying down. I blush deeply and cover my face. Why did you do that I ask. Because error says before closing his eyes. I lay down and close my eyes thinking about what error just did.

Unfresh p.o.v

I walk onto the upper deck and stare at the water. Sir what's the plan swapfell asks. Well I am going to use this spell to knock ever one on errors island out so we can get error lit sailor I say. Why not steal the treasure swapfell says. Because it's hidden and error will be willing to do anything plus I think some of there "prisoners" might be the key to getting those jewels I want so I can be the most feared pirate instead of error I say. Ok sir he says walking away. Oh error just you wait until I get there. Your going to give me what I want wether you like it or not . Hhhahhahahah I laugh and walk back down to my room. 

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