Eddie Kaspbrak (IT 1990)

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       Imagine Eddie being worried about Pennywise hurting you

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       Imagine Eddie being worried about Pennywise hurting you. 

You noticed Eddie has been watching you throughout the day. You could sometimes feel his eyes linger on you for a moment. If something ever went wrong, like Pennywise coming around, he would always ask if you were okay. 

You were currently sitting in front of the fireplace that the hotel had in the downstairs lounge room. You watched the fire crackle and pop, you could feel it's warmth radiating on your skin. You felt someone drape a thin blanket onto your shoulders causing you to flinch a little. Everyone was a bit on edge, they have been since they arrived into town. 

You've been on edge since you got the phone call. 

"Hey" Eddie softly said as he sat down beside you on the rug. You smiled up at him, relieved that it was just him and nothing else. You wrapped the blanket around yourself, gripping the ends of it and holding it close to you. 

"You okay?" Eddie asked, maybe for the hundredth time today. All you could do now is chuckle at him and reassure him again. 

"I'm fine. What about you?" you turned to face him a bit, getting a good view of his features. 

His blonde hair fell over his eyes a bit, causing you to reach out and brush it back. One thing you had to admit was that Eddie grew up to be a handsome man. His soft features matched his kind personality, of course you would never tell him this. 

He blushed at your actions and cast his gaze to his lap, where he was currently fiddling with his hands. You could see he was nervous, so you took his hand in yours and rubbed your thumb over his palm. 

"I'm doing okay" he muttered, his voice cracking a bit at the words. 

"I was just checking in on you" he said, looking back up to meet your gaze. 

You smiled and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, bringing him close to you. He wrapped his long arms around your waist and rested his head upon your shoulder. You would occasionally run a hand through his hair as you whispered reassuring words into his ears. 

"We'll be alright" you whispered. 

You two stayed on the floor, hugging each other. You tried to push back the thought of Pennywise and just focus on this small moment. 

This small moment that you wished would last forever. 

*this was actually nice to write...

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