Cher Horowitz (Clueless)

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                          Imagine Cher getting ready for your date.

Cher sighed as she wiped away the lipstick from her lips. This was about the fourth color she has tried on but she was left unsatisfied again. She tossed her hair around her shoulders and took a long look in the mirror. 

"Lets try this again" she muttered to herself. 

She picked up another lipstick color and slowly applied it to her lips. It took her a long moment to realize she was somewhat happy with the shade. As she added little touches and fixed minor problems of her outfit she could feel her stomach flip with both excitement and nervousness. 

She wanted to look perfect for you. She wanted your jaw to drop to the floor. She wanted you to have a heart attack at how she looked tonight. Maybe not a heart attack as that would ruin the dinner plan but she wanted to make your heart skip a beat. 

She caught herself daydreaming about, as she sometimes does. A small smile began to form on her lips as she thought about the two of you. She felt her heart rate speed up at just the image of your face crossing her mind. She chewed on the bottom of her lip and couldn't help herself from blushing. 

She jumped when she heard a honk outside. She quickly grabbed her purse, making sure it matched her outfit, and ran down the stairs. 

She couldn't help the grin that grew on her lips as she thought about the plans for tonight. 

Everything was going to be perfect. 

*Alicia Silverstone was kind of one of my girl crushes when I was younger...

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