Heath Ledger

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            Imagine Heath convincing you to sneak out the house 

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            Imagine Heath convincing you to sneak out the house 

"I don't know Heath,"

"Come on I wanna take you out tonight, please?" 

You rolled your eyes as he flashed a smile that seemed to always make your tummy twist and turn. His brown eyes studied your face, you began to feel yourself blush from under his gaze. He was currently sitting just outside your window, the cool night air brushing over his hair. 

You've never snuck out of the house before and you were worried about getting caught. Heath always did though, coming over to your house every night to spend time with you. 

You ran a hand through your hair nervously as you chewed on your bottom lip, currently lost in thought. Lately you and Heath haven't really had time for each other, as you were busy studying and he was currently working. You felt his cool fingertips dance over your hand as he carefully took a hold of it. He intertwined your fingers with his and softly placed a kiss on your knuckles. 

You felt spikes of energy shoot through you at just his touch. This giddy feeling he always gave you was enough to convince you. You climbed out the window, careful to not make much noise as Heath helped you down. You both raced down the freshly cut grass lawn over to his bike that he parked. He helped you with the helmet, his fingers occasionally brushing over your skin which made you shiver. 

"You ready?" he asked you, a wide smile glowing on his face. You looked over to your house, your eyes lingering on your closed bedroom window. You pushed back the guilty thoughts trying to get you to turn back and wrapped your arms around his waist. 

"Ready as I'll ever be" you muttered. 

request for the-quiet-daydreamer 

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