Shannon Hoon

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         Imagine secretly filming Shannon while he's lost in his music 

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         Imagine secretly filming Shannon while he's lost in his music 

A smile spreads across your lips as you watch Shannon lean back in his seat. His long fingers strumming the strings of the guitar, which he was holding close to his chest. He handled the guitar with such delicacy, as if it were an alive being he was holding in his arms. The back of the guitar molded perfectly against his chest as his fingers wrapped around the neck of it. 

You zoomed in on his serene expression as the music coming from the guitar sent him into a trance. He was no longer on earth, instead floating among the many cosmos. You kept quiet as you continued to film him, not wanting to break the spell the music had over him now. He looked so carefree and at peace with himself, you felt a pang of jealousy stir in your chest. 

The cigarette that was placed between his fingers was long forgotten as the smoke swirled up into the air. Shannon's lips twitched up, as a ghost of a smile graced his face for a moment. Your eyes gazed over his figure, that was lazily sinking into his seat. You wanted to get a closer look, to be able to see his eyebrows knit together in concentration as they usually would. 

You didn't want to disturb his only moment of peace so you left him be. 

You could still hear the echo of the guitar bounce off the hallway walls as you walked away. 

*request for SweetChild87 

I'm sorry for the long wait and I hope this was okay 

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