Nicole Kidman

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Imagine being new in town and meeting your neighbor Nicole who ends up taking a strong liking towards you

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Imagine being new in town and meeting your neighbor Nicole who ends up taking a strong liking towards you

You thanked the men who helped you carry your stuff out of the moving van. Your arms felt like jello, you were sure you couldn't move another heavy box but you needed to start unpacking. You didn't want to put it off until tomorrow knowing you would probably procrastinate and never get it done. You let out a huff of exhaustion and began making your way up the steps leading to your beautiful freshly painted white porch. 

The gorgeous ocean view stopped you in your tracks as you gazed out from your spot in the middle of the porch. You heard the waves crashing against the rocks, the sound was so melodic you could feel your eyelids grow heavy. You took in a deep breath of the salt filled air and exhaled, letting all the negative vibes and thoughts leave your body. 

It has been a while since you felt peace like this and you were determined to hold onto it for as long as you could. 

"Excuse me?" you heard a soft spoken break through your thoughts. You peered down from the porch to see a young lady, with long golden orange hair, holding a (black as the night sky) cat. She stared up at you, cuddling the cat to her chest. She offered a polite smile and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up from the gorgeous lady looking at you. You cleared your throat and brought yourself back down to reality. 

"Oh hello?" you said, unsure as to who this lady was and what she was doing here. She walked up the porch steps to stand in front of you and stuck out her hand. 

"My name is Nicole, I'm your neighbor" she explained, introducing herself. A smile of your own felt onto your lips as you took her hand in yours, her skin was so soft that when she removed her hand you felt a but of disappointment. 

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. How long have you lived here?" you asked, curious about the women and wanting to know more about her. She ran her long bony fingers through the cats fur as she looked over to her house which was a lovely two story white house with many many windows and a garden. 

"About 5 years now, was the best decision of my life to move here. It's a quaint little town, very quiet and peaceful" You hummed at her words, agreeing with her. 

The town may be small but it was beautiful and the towns folk were so polite and kind, the place almost seemed unreal. It was like you stepped into her own little fantasy world, a place you always dreamed of living in. Now that you were here you still had a hard time accepting it was real, that you finally found your home. 

"Well it was lovely meeting you, maybe you should stop by some time. I could show you around town and help you become familiar with the place?" Nicole offered

"I w-would love that!" You stuttered, out of excitement. 

Nicole offered one more smile before walking off your porch and down the road towards her house. 

You watched her saunter off, her hips swaying as she did so. You felt your heart race at just the sight of her and you couldn't contain the excited feeling bubbling in your stomach from her kind offer. You were eager to know more about her.

Little did you know she was eager to know more about you too.  

*She's so gorgeous!

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