649 22 3

May 29th
11:54 AM
New York, New York

Ding dong!
Ding dong!
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!

"What the fuck?" I said to myself, sitting up in my bed. Who the hell is ringing my damn bell repeatedly like that?

I threw the covers off of me and hopped out of bed, sliding some Fenty's on my feet before rushing down the stairs.

"Hold on, damn!" I yelled. Whoever this is is about to get an ear full. Ringing my bell like they have no type of sense. And where are my guards? They usually wouldn't even allow this. Everybody is about to catch my attitude today.

"Before I open this door, I want a good reason as to why you think it's okay to ring my bell like some little ass kid." I said, rudeness laced in my tone.

"Open the door, Robyn." I heard Aubrey say, laughing.

Oh hell no.

I swung the door open, revealing Aubrey. One thing about this man, was that he knew he looked good in whatever he threw on. Today he was looking... extra daddyish.

Focus, Robyn.

"So, here's what I want to know." I started, crossing my arms.

"Chill out, Rih. Let me inside and we'll talk."

"I AM chill. I was in here getting the best sleep of my life, only to be interrupted by you ringing my doorbell like an animal or some shit. You gon' explain why you did that or are you just gon' stand there? I'm not letting you in until I get a damn explanation."

"Look, I'm sorry. I knocked on your door plenty of times, but no one answered. I knew you were home because we had just talked last night. You said you didn't have any plans for today. Speaking of today.. I hope you didn't forget." He said, eying me suspiciously.

It took me a few seconds to remember, then it hit me.

Here I go forgetting shit. Again.

I softened up a little, uncrossing my arms and widening the door, giving him access to come inside.

"I'm so sorry, I just remembered. I overslept, due to me not going to bed at the time I originally settled on last night. I have to get ready, you can come in and wait if you want." I suggested, forcing a small smile.

Luckily he accepted it and walked inside. I noticed that he had his hands behind his back since I opened the door, but I didn't bother to ask why.

"I know you been up on ya' toes a lot lately. It's cool. Before I walk any further, I want you to have these. I know how much you like roses, so I bought you a bunch of them. Look at 'em closely."

I took the bouquet of red roses from him, tilting my head down a bit to get a closer look.

"Nigga, you did not. Are those my initials embroidered on the petals?" I asked in shock, chuckling.

"Yep, custom made." He nodded, popping his collar and joining me in laughter. "Nah, let me stop. I wanted to get them custom made because custom made shit is special. Special roses for a special girl, you know?"

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