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September 13th
4:36 PM
London, UK

After signing a couple of autographs for my supporters who waited hours for me outside of my hotel, I hurried to my room for hair and makeup.

Because my performance is the opening of the show, I won't be able to walk the red carpet. Which is fine with me.

I couldn't wrap this moment around my brain since the day I got the call from Jay, and now that this moment is actually here, I'm pretty damn nervous.

"You okay, Rob?" Priscilla asked. Priscilla is my makeup artist and good friend. Whenever I need a bomb face beat, I can always rely on this woman. Especially for important events like tonight.

"I'm fine." I lied. "I haven't done a performance since tour and I'm a little rough around the edges. I just pray to God that it doesn't show tonight." I let out the best chuckle I could offer.

"You'll be fine, you're going to kill it!" She shrieked of excitement. "Drake will be performing with you, right?"

I mentally rolled my eyes as an image of him formed in my mind. "Mhm."

She laughed, noticing my unamused demeanor.

"Whatever is going on between you two, don't let it get in the way. Both of you guys have millions of fans. They're all expecting this performance to be amazing."

I came to a realization and  sighed. "I know, Priscilla, I know. And I will try my absolute best to give them just that. An amazing performance."

No matter how much I dislike Aubrey right now, Priscilla was right. Rihanna Navy and Team Drizzy deserve the best and nothing but the best.


6:02 PM

"I'm going to need you to stand on this platform right here. The platform will lift you up towards the stage as the music begins. You will start to sing the chorus once the crowd spots you, which won't take long at all. Alright?"

I smiled, taking in everything he said. "Alright. Thank you, Leon."

"Not a problem, good luck tonight." He tucked his pen behind his ear, returning the small smile before walking over to the control panel where Jay was.

If only he knew that I needed a lot more than luck.

Stepping onto the square platform, I looked down at my heels, running my hand along the fringes on my pants. I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer in my head before looking over a Jay. He winked at me and I smiled, feeling my confidence boost.

The tempo of the song began as I felt the platform beneath my feet slowing rising. Cheers could be heard from a distance, growing louder and louder the higher I elevated.

Seconds later, I was officially on stage. I smiled and waved at the millions of people cheering me on.

"London! Y'all ready?" I shouted, pointing the mic towards them. Their responses were screams, along with a bunch of yeses.

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