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September 13th
6:18 PM
London, UK

I was now inside my hotel room, reminiscing on what happened just a few hours ago. By the looks of it, there was no "Aubrih" anymore. I've come the the conclusion that business and pleasure is not a good mixture.

I think that it's best if we just be associates.


Because, Robyn is in a happy relationship with Chris. I can't do anything but respect it and move on. If I keep trying to push myself onto her, it'll lead to us never talking again. She can easily tell Jay what's going on, and if she does that, we won't even work with each other again.

I can't let that happen. I know we aren't on the greatest of terms, but I still love her. Not having the ability to see her ever again would truly drain me.

Shaking my head, I got up and began making my way to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I heard my phone ring. Pulling it out of my back pocket, I looked at the caller ID.

It was Onika.

I was so tempted to reject the call after our last encounter, but I made a final decision to answer it.

"Graham residence."

"Hey fool. You got a second? I wanna talk to you."

I began to walk towards the kitchen again, nodding my head. "Yeah, go ahead."

"Listen." She sighed, pausing for a second. I can tell she was serious. "You need to talk to Robyn. Like now."


Her name alone made me think about her.

That's not what I wanted to do.

I decided to back myself up. "Why should I? She's in a relationship. What I need to do is leave her alone." I stated while opening up the door to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

"You know what? Sometimes I wonder if you just act stupid to get a rise out of me. Then I wonder if you really are stupid. Like stupid, stupid." I can tell she was getting upset by the second.

"Now, now. Don't catch an attitude with me. I'm just doing what's best for myself. If you think that's stupid, then I don't know what to tell ya'." I shrugged, making my way back over to the couch.

"Are you hearing yourself right now? She caught you trying to make a move on another woman who happened to be me! And even if it wasn't me, that's not the point. The point is that you didn't even have the balls to apologize! The fame is getting to your head while Robyn is somewhere hurting, Drake. It doesn't look that way in public because she doesn't want anyone finding anything out. And right now, you're acting like you don't give two fucks about it!" She shouted into the phone.

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