258 11 14

October 25th
1:53 PM
Los Angeles, CA

It was now over an hour since I last spoke to Aubrey. I called him about six times and he hasn't bothered to pick up. I was starting to get worried.

"Well shit, here I am thinking he changed..." I laughed to no one in particular. Was it true?

Was Aubrey cheating on me?

At first, I wondered if something happened. But then I thought... The paps would never let anything get too extreme.

That's when I decided to text Nicki. She probably knew more than I did. After all, they are close friends.

To: NicNac 🎀🦄

did aubrey stop by? he told me that he would be home in ten an hour ago :/

Delivered, 1:58 PM.

I dropped my phone in the pocket of my pajama shorts before pacing back and forth around the room until my phone buzzed minutes later. Retrieving it from my pocket, I quickly read her response.

From: NicNac 🎀🦄

Nope, I haven't seen him in forever. Sorry babe. When u see him, tell his light bright ass to call me! I booked some time for us in the stu. 😜 Xo.

Received, 2:04 PM.

To: NicNac 🎀🦄

ok, i'll let him know when he returns. love you.

Delivered, 2:05 PM.

From: NicNac 🦄🎀

Love u too babe. 😘 Call if needed.

Received, 2:06 PM.

Sighing, I exited our thread and went to my contact list. Soon enough, Melissa was on the line for the second time today.

"Hey, bitch!"

"Hey, M."

"Why you sound so damn low? Is everything okay?"

"If I said yes, I'd be lying."

"Oh hell no. Tell me what's going on. Do I need to fly over there?"

A smile quickly appeared on my lips. Mel was always the protective best friend. She could easily pass as my bodyguard. I loved her for that and so much more.

A faint laugh flew out of me, "No, no. Stay where you are. I just need to rant."

"I'm all ears, sis- move! Damn. Give me a minute." She yelled at who I assumed was August. "Okay, speak."

Shaking my head, I continued on with our conversation. "Well, Aubrey told me that he'd be home in ten minutes, and... It's been an hour, Mel." I pouted.

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